FREE Video Library: Education
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School Fires Teacher Who Made Viral Video Cross-Examining ‘Transphobia’ Narrative
Warren Smith, the teacher behind a viral video skewering LGBT activists’ narrative that critics of gender ideology are “transphobic,” has been fired, he announced this week in a follow-up video detailing his ordeal. Smith engaged the student in a Socratic dialogue dissecting the premise that Rowling’s vocal opposition to the gender-fluidity movement constitutes bigotry, inviting a reconsideration of the pervasive leftist assumption.Brave School Girl Reveals In Graphic Detail How Trans Student Savagely Assaulted Her Friend
A brave school girl in Pennsylvania unleashed on cowardly school officials while revealing in graphic detail how they allowed a transgender (Bio-Male) student savagely beat her friend to the point of hospitalization while woke school officials did nothing to stop it.The College Degree Scam - 52% of Graduates Don't Use Their Degrees
In this video, Patrick Bet-David reveals the shocking truth about college and why more than half of graduates don’t end up using their degrees. Whether you’re a student or a parent, this information is crucial in making the most important decision for your future. Don’t miss out on this important discussion about the realities of college education.Public School is the Primary Weapon of the Deep State
Through the deliberate dumbing down and conditioning of children, the Deep State has radicalized youth to hate America’s Christian, constitutional, and moral heritage to create global citizens, ready to play their role as a cog in the machine of a collectivist society, explains The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State.FLASHBACK: Louisiana Teacher Began Sounding the Alarm About Marxist Trends in our Schools in the 80s and 90s
This is Ezola Foster. She was born in Louisiana in 1938 and was a public school teacher for 33 years. In the 1980s & ’90s she began sounding the alarm about troubling trends in our schools.Project Veritas - The Secret Curicrulum Indoctrinating Your Children
Project Veritas exposes via undercover videos how massively the left controls our educational system and how much crap they are brainwashing our children with.Condoleezza Rice Schools "The View" Hosts on Critical Race Theory
“We should be able to empower black children without hurting white children." EXACTLY.Justine Murray . . . NOT Your Average Beauty Queen
Beauty queen Justine Murray delivered the fiery speech blasting censorship last week during the pageant at Resorts Casino Hotel in Atlantic City. Justine railed against an “epidemic of censorship and entitlement” taking over school campuses — claiming that the words “I’m offended” are being used to silence students and fire professors.Special Secrets of Public Education - Shocking Indoctrination Caught Thanks To Online Classes
Public school teachers have been bragging online about their indoctrination of children, and they are lamenting about how they are no longer able to do so via online classes. They fear that they might get caught by eavesdropping parents. Parents, Christians, and conservatives are enemies of the new education.How Communist China Infiltrates U.S. Campuses & Steals Research, Covid 19 & Beyond—Cabot Phillips
What exactly are Confucius Institutes, and what role do they play in spreading Chinese communist propaganda on college campuses?Epoch Times - The Progressive Agenda to Dumb Down America’s Children—Alex Newman
At the 48th Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Council, we sat down with Alex Newman, author of “Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians Are Using Government Schools to Destroy America's Children.” We discuss the high levels of illiteracy in America and what Alex Newman sees as the progressive agenda taking over the American school system to promote a collectivist, socialist, atheist worldview. And we look at what role individuals like John Dewey, Horace Mann, and Robert Owen played in transforming the US education system.Heather MacDonald On How The Delusion of Diversity Destroys Our Common Humanity
Is the dedication to diversity undermining American culture? In her book The Diversity Delusion, Heather Mac Donald argues that the focus on race and gender diversity is harming society. Mac Donald and Peter Robinson discuss how she was protested off of school campuses by students because of her ideas. They discuss the collapse of free-speech ideals on college campuses in the United States and how the dedication to diversity doesn’t extend to a diversity of thought.Heather MacDonald Warns US Colleges Are Breeding Hate
Mac Donald, regarded by many as a leading conservative intellectual and researcher, asserts that students are being trained to “hate” and obsess upon identity politics by predatory cultural Marxists in faculty and administration.The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America w/ Charlotte Iserbyt
A discussion about the past, present, and future of public schooling, with Charlotte Iserbyt, former Sr. Policy Advisor for the U.S. Department of Education. We'll discover the root cause of the Deliberate Dumbing Down of Americans.Jordan Peterson - Dangerous People Are Teaching Your Kids
Dangerous people are filling the heads of young people with dangerous nonsense. Who are these people? They are what Jordan Peterson calls “the post-modernists:” neo-Marxist professors who dominate our colleges and universities. And here’s the worst part: we are financing these nihilists with tax dollars, alumni gifts and tuition payments. Time to wise upBrilliant Anti-Common Core Speech by Dr. Duke Pesta
Common Core represents the latest and most comprehensive step in the drive toward complete government control of our children's education.The College Conspiracy
This is the most comprehensive documentary ever produced about higher education in the U.S. NIA's hour-long documentary called 'College Conspiracy' exposes the facts and truth about America's college education system. 'College Conspiracy' was produced over a six-month period by NIA's team of expert Austrian economists with the help of thousands of NIA members who contributed their ideas and personal stories for the film.
School Shootings
Father Who Lost Daughter At Parkland Exposes Leftist Crimes
Andrew Pollack, father of Meadow Pollack who was a victim of the Parkland shooting, joins The Alex Jones Show to expose the crimes of leftists and their damaging policies.