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Video: The College Degree Scam - 52% of Graduates Don't Use Their Degrees

The Disturbing Truth About College

In this video, Patrick Bet-David reveals the shocking truth about college and why more than half of graduates don’t end up using their degrees. Whether you’re a student or a parent, this information is crucial in making the most important decision for your future. Don’t miss out on this important discussion about the realities of college education.



According to researchers at labor analytics firm The Burning Glass Institute and nonprofit group Strata Education Foundation, about 52 percent of people with a “terminal bachelor’s degree” remain underemployed five years after graduation, and 45 percent remain underemployed 10 years after.

In this video, Patrick Bet-David reveals the shocking truth about college and why more than half of graduates don't end up using their degrees.

According to a survey conducted by Grand Canyon University and Grand Canyon Education, 81 percent of Americans chose their major based on their love for the topic, while just 19 percent chose it for a guaranteed income.


In this video, Patrick Bet-David reveals the shocking truth about college and why more than half of graduates don't end up using their degrees.

The unemployment rate of recent college graduates as of February 2023 shows that Fine Arts majors come in first, with 12.1 percent being jobless. Second is philosophy, and third is sociology.

In this video, Patrick Bet-David reveals the shocking truth about college and why more than half of graduates don't end up using their degrees.

Watch the rest of the video to hear Patrick’s opinions on college and alternatives to the college system.

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