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A Fully Indexed Page With Just Election Fraud Articles & Videos
A Fully Indexed Page With Just Medical/Pandemic Fraud Articles & Videos

Video: Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt - Spike Protein Replacing Sperm!

The manufactured COVID plandemic and associated mRNA jabs have been biological warfare waged against the population of our planet the likes of which we have never seen before.  One of the primary goals of the psychopathic globalist control freaks has always been to reduce the global population, to literally murder BILLIONS and sterilize as many as possible.  New evidence reveals how this goal has been advanced via the COVID mRNA jabs which flood bodies with spike proteins that we now know resulted in the sterilization of God-knows how many otherwise healthy men.



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Georgia Guide Stones - Monument to Global Genocide!
This structure has to be one of the most outrageous ever plopped down on the planet earth!  The arrogance of whoever put this thing together is beyond all sense of basic human decency and respect for ALL human life.   I'm just amazed they have not been reduced to rubble.  The first inscription on these slabs advocates the elimination of almost everyone on this planet, except for 500 million that is.  Gee, I wonder who gets to pick who those 500 million will be?  And I wonder who's going to make all the other decisions listed on the tablet for the remaining lucky survivors. 

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