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Video: Are Digital IDs and Digital Currency Efficiency or Enslavement?


The focus of this webinar is on vaccine passports, smart health cards, digital drivers’ licenses, and central bank digital currency.

It will examine the risk that Americans are facing in the loss of basic freedoms to centralized digital platforms controlled by the government.

Frank Gaffney, the co-chair of the Stop Vax Passports Taskforce and executive chairman of the Center for Security Policy, will co-host and moderate the webinar.

Reggie Littlejohn, president and founder of Women’s Rights without Frontiers and co-chair of the Stop Vax Passports Task Force, will also be the co-host and a panelist.

Panelists are:

Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA technology
Leo Hohmann, veteran investigative reporter
Zach Vorhies: Google whistleblower and software engineer
Dede Laugesen: executive secretary on the Committee on the Present Danger: China; executive director of Save the Persecuted Christians
Connie Elliott: subject matter Eepert on totalitarians and how they secure and maintain power; member of the Committee on the Present Danger: China


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