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A Fully Indexed Page With Just Election Fraud Articles & Videos
A Fully Indexed Page With Just Pandemic Fraud Articles & Videos

Video: Laura Ingraham - LIARS IN LABCOATS

This is a brilliant few segments from the Laura Ingraham Show where she highlights the never-ending stream of LIES and moving goalposts spewed the likes of Dr. Fauci. Also includes "honest" comments by Dr. Atlas: America’s health officials are peddling fear not facts. Altas pointed out that the majority of COVID-19 stories airing in America have been “fear-invoking.” He told Ingraham these stories have taken a heavy toll on the country’s psyche. “Over 70 percent of Americans say they will wear a mask after the pandemic is over,” he said. “That’s very frightening. We have a damaged American psyche, and it’s due to these public health officials that are just really not saying the real data, probably because they don’t want to admit they were so wrong,” Atlas remarked.

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