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FREE Video Library: Earth

: 10 minutes or less.  : 11- 36 minutes.   : Over 36 min. Fun:


  • Does The Bible Describe the Earth as Flat?
    In recent years there has been a sharp increase in the number of people who believe the earth is flat. In this presentation, Dr. Faulkner will briefly describe the history of this phenomenon, examine some of the supposed biblical and physical evidence for a flat earth, and delve into the possible motives of those promoting this idea. Dr. Danny R. Faulkner earned graduate degrees in physics and astronomy and is a distinguished professor emeritus at the University of South Carolina Lancaster, where he taught over 26 years.
  • Why Do Stars Draw Circles Around Polaris, the North Star?
    This is one of the things people who believe the Earth is flat point to as proof.  This gentleman provides a very clear explanation that actually proves the exact opposite, that the Earth is a sphere.  Polaris is known as the Pole Star. It's the one that shines directly above the North pole, but why does that mean it never moves and all the other stars circle it?
  • The Curvature of the Earth
    This video shows additional views from a jet at 43,000 feet and the International Space Station at about 5 miles up. It also includes a clip from a video produced by the 747 Pilot Kelsey who offers to pilot a flight from Buenos Aries to Melbourne Australia to prove the Earth is a sphere.
  • Conflicting Pole Shift Agendas Between the East and West
    This video by Greg Reese presents information about the history of global climate changes that have occurred throughout the history of the earth and none of it has anything to do with human being on the planet.  One major fact that has driven climate changes in the past if the way the earth's poles have shifted, sometimes occurring in just one days time.  Naturally none of this is discussed in the West choosing instead to exploit the situation by blaming it on humans who of course must be eliminated as the only solution.
  • The Expanding Earth and Planets - The Earth and Other Planets Are Actually Growing
    These amazing videos show you an amazing reality that somehow our highly advanced scientific community has failed to bring to our attention.  After viewing these it seems so obvious it's a wonder it's not common knowledge.  Yes, folks, the earth and other planets grow, like everything else in the universe!
  • Destroying Flat Earth Without Using Science
    We don't need any science whatsoever to prove that the earth isn't flat. We just have to look at things in the sky with our eyeballs. In fact, that's how we figured out the earth is a sphere thousands of years ago, before science even existed. Last time we looked at the moon, so today let's look at the stars. How do they move through the sky, and can we make sense of it on a flat earth? Spoiler: no, we definitely can't. But be a lamb and watch anyway, would you?



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