FREE Video Library: Russia
: 10 minutes or less.
: 11- 36 minutes.
: Over 36 min. Fun:
Glenn Greenwald - Alexei Navalny: An Unsavory, Manufactured Product of the West
According to Bezmenov, ideological subversion is a covert strategy used by the KGB and other Soviet agencies to undermine and ultimately overthrow Western governments by spreading propaganda and disinformation.Yuri Bezmenov - The Four Stages of Ideological Subversion (1984)
- According to Bezmenov, ideological subversion is a covert strategy used by the KGB and other Soviet agencies to undermine and ultimately overthrow Western governments by spreading propaganda and disinformation.
Russia Admits To Interfering In U.S. Elections And They Vow To Do It Again!
In the following video there are Russian actors who insist that Moscow has been pulling the strings on their puppet, Joe Biden. It is very clever satire. I think the Russians finally realized that a lot of Americans are convinced that Russia is intervening in our Presidential elections and decided to tweak the American political crazies about this delusion.33 Years of History That Led Up to Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine that You Won’t See Taught in U.S. Schools
MUST WATCH VIDEO: 33 years of history that led up to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine that you won’t see taught in U.S. schools nor hear anywhere in the Western mockingbird media.What Americans Don’t Know About the Russia & Ukraine Situation
As tensions rise in Russia and Ukraine, Jack Posobiec and Candace Owens break down the situation.Documents Prove Hillary and Obama’s Team Created Russian Collusion Hoax
The Director of Nation Intelligence reveals startling new details about the Russian Collusion Hoax against President Donald Trump. As One America’s Pearson Sharp explains, senior Obama officials were working hard to cover up Hillary Clinton’s email scandal and undermine the 2016 election.Confessions of KGB Defector Yuri Bezmenov - Deception Was My Job
Yuri Bezmenov, the son of a high-ranking Soviet officer, was a member of the elite propaganda arm of the KGB, known as the Novasti Press Agency. One of his assignments was to accompany journalists visiting the Soviet Union to make sure they did not discover the truth about Soviet life. After becoming disillusioned with the oppressive system, he escaped to the West at great risk to his life.