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FREE Video Library: Crimes Against Children/Pedophilia

: 10 minutes or less.  : 11- 36 minutes.   : Over 36 min. Fun:


  •   Lara Logan - U.S. Government Sponsored Child Trafficking Exposed!
    In this video, Lara Logan details a Biden administration Dept. of Health and Human Services who enacted a rule change to the Unaccompanied Minor Program that legalizes the practice of child trafficking by the United States Government paid for with our tax dollars.
  •   LGBTQP+++ Activists Speak Out Against CA Bill That Would Make Child Sex Trafficking a Felony
    In Gavin Newsom’s California, protecting children from sex trafficking is controversial.  Senate Bill 1414 (SB 1414), introduced in the California Senate by Senator Shannon Grove (R-Bakersfield), aims to make soliciting sex from a minor a felony.   It is hard to imagine that a bill to protect children from sex trafficking would receive opposition, and yet it has.
  • Why Do Drag Queens Never Want to Read to the Elderly?
    ‘Queer theory’ and ‘critical theory’ lie at the heart of the LGBT movement, aiming to normalize extremely perverse sexual proclivities, including pedophilia, while dismantling traditional social and sexual norms under the guise of scientific progress.
  •   BRAIN DAMAGE: 1 in 9 Children are Autistic Now
    A recent study analyzing data from the 2022 National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH) discovered that over 11 percent of children in the U.S. are now autistic, while over 10 percent had attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Autism is a neurological developmental disorder characterized by a broad spectrum of social ineptness, meaning that it is caused by a malfunction of the brain. These issues often stem from brain damage, including metal toxicity from vaccines.
  • American College of Pediatricians Blasts Medical Associations for Pushing Radical Gender Transition on Children
    In a bold defiance of mainstream medical tyranny, the American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds) has delivered a blistering condemnation of America’s leading medical institutions.  This coalition of healthcare professionals launched the “Doctors Protecting Children Declaration” on Thursday at the National Press Club in Washington, DC.  This declaration, which is spearheaded by Dr. Jill Simons, Executive Director of the American College of Pediatricians, is an urgent plea to halt the radical gender transition protocols being imposed on vulnerable children.
  • “We Get Paid to Vaccinate Your Children”: Pediatrician Reveals Details of Big Pharma Payola Scheme
    Can pediatricians afford to run their medical practices without the generous kickbacks they receive for vaccinating every child?  Dr. Paul Thomas, a Dartmouth-trained pediatrician, discussed this dilemma during an April 16 interview with Polly Tommey on Children’s Health Defense’s “Vax-Unvax: The People’s Study” bus tour.
  •   Former FBI Chief Tried To Warn Us About An Elite Satanic Pedophile Network But Nobody Listened
    This is a compilation of speeches by Theodore (Ted) Gunderson who was a Federal Bureau of Investigation Special Agent In charge of the Los Angeles FBI. Gunderson found himself in the middle of the horrific reality of satanic abuse of children after investigating the Jeffery McDonald murder case.
  •   Bill Maher on the Documentary " Quiet on the Set " About the Sexualization of Kids
    This monologue from Real Time with Bill Maher is the definition of a must-watch.  The guy who came out pro-baby murder (in his own words) last week made it his mission this week to protect kids. This guy doesn't even like kids, but he sees what we've been pointing out for years.
  •   Trans Activists Are Selfish - They Don't Care About The Collateral Damage They Cause
    The CBC actually did a legitimate, honest story about the trans-industrial-complex by sending a 14-year-old actress undercover into a pediatric gender clinic somewhere in Quebec. She told the genre clinician she had an eating disorder and saw a YouTube video that suggested it was because she's transgender. Within 5 minutes the clinician asks if she wants a mastectomy.
  • CPS Hands Over Kidnapped Children to Pedophile Rings
    Agencies tasked with the protection of children often sex traffic children, and call it gay.  With the addition of 'P' to the LGBTQIAA2+, some say homosexuality is the gateway drug to pedophilia, others say it's a contributing factor, while others say it's a regular commonality.
  • P. DIDDY: Jeffrey Epstein of the Rap Industry?
    After the Department of Homeland Security’s Investigations Task Force raided his home, rap artist, Sean Combs, A.K.A. P. Diddy, has been in the news quite a bit. And the more you look into this story, the bigger it gets.
  • 85,000 Migrant Children Have Gone Missing From Sponsor Homes
    Thousands of illegal alien children have gone missing from sponsors’ homes in the U.S. after being placed there by the federal government, according to a watchdog investigation.
  •   The War on Children
    The War on Children, a new documentary by Landon and Robby Starbuck, lays out the sinister agenda behind the left’s trans indoctrination campaign against the next generation.  The film has even earned the praise of Elon Musk, who on Sunday shared the exposé with his 173 million followers on X.
  •   Shot Dead: The Movie They Don’t Want You to See
    “Shot Dead The Movie,” tells the heartbreaking stories of children who died after receiving COVID-19 shots. Their parents are left behind to pick up the pieces, wondering how and why a shot they were assured was safe took the lives of their children, ranging in age from newborn to 18.
  • Heartbreaking Tales of DHS Whistleblower Exposes Biden Admin's Sex Trafficking of 85K Plus Children in MUST SEE NEW TESTIMONY!
    Whistleblower Tara Lee Rodas joins The Alex Jones Show to expose the Biden Admin’s child sex trafficking nightmare border policy.
  •     Heartbreaking Tales of How Commiefornia Sacrifices Children on the Trans-Altar
    This is an interview with with Canadian activist and father of two, Chris Elston, who began wearing billboards to educate the public about the harms that puberty blockers and trans-affirming surgeries inflict on children.
  •   How to Protect Your Child From Trans-Indoctrination Lies
    While it seems the transgender ideology came out of nowhere, schools have been teaching children that their identity is separate from their biology, and that gender is a choice, for a long time. Today, transgender ideology is being taught to children as early as preschool.  Transgenderism is primarily a social contagion, although exposure to synthetic chemicals, in utero and in early life, may play a role in some cases, especially in boys identifying as girls.
  •   Detransitioner Files Blockbuster Lawsuit Against Doctors Who Aided Her Sex Change When She Was Only 15 and Left Her Disfigured
    When Prisha was 15 years old, she battled with anxiety, anorexia, and gender confusion. Her parents tried to help her but were deceived by a so-called gender therapist.
  •   Child Sex Trafficking Survivor Reveals Horrific Abuse She Endured by High-Profile Clients of Pedophile Ring
    "I was trafficked into a pedophile network that actually at the time consisted of the VIPs of the country...They were all quite powerful and had important posts. It was a mix of politicians, high-placed officials, government officials, clergy as well as aristocrats," says Anneke Lucas.
  •   Detransition: The Wounds That Won't Heal | Chloe Cole With Jordan Peterson
    Dr Jordan B Peterson sits down with 18 years old de-transitioner Chloe Cole. Chloe was indoctrinated, affirmed, and set on an irreparable path at the age of 15, and now finds herself abandoned by the community and the doctors that lead her over the edge.  Chloe Cole is an 18-year-old de-transitioner from The Central Valley of California. She started her transition at 12 years old, puberty blockers and testosterone at 13, and had a double mastectomy at 15 years old. She is now a strong advocate against gender ideology.
  •   World Economic Forum Declares Pedophiles ‘Will Save Humanity’
    A controversial initiative being promoted in the corridors of power by Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum in Davos is set to have families and anyone who cares about children up in arms.
  •   Heartbreaking Video: The Pure Evil of Child Transitioning Explained by a Victim
    No commentary.  Just listen.
  •   Combating the Sexualization of Our Children with Jaco Booyens
    In schools across America, lessons are being taught that put our kids in danger. It’s time for parents to take a hard look at what their kids are learning about in school. Jaco Booyens, renowned anti-sex trafficking activist, sits down with PragerU CEO Marissa Streit for an important conversation about the sexualization of children, its direct impact on sex crimes, and empowering parents to protect their children.
  •   Huge Disney Pedo Allegations – Media Silent
    Among the Disney Industrial-Entertainment Complex, are untouchable filth like Guardians Of The Galaxy Director James Gunn, who nearly derailed his movie franchise with a barrage of pedophilic tweets.  But the outrage concerning Disney’s open secret is bubbling to the surface.
  •   Congressional Testimony From Clinton Era Reveals Pedophile Blackmail Network
    This video explains the dark history and purpose of the use of mind control and pedophilia as a means of government espionage and blackmail.  At its heart is unearthed video of congressional victim testimony, given before a Bill Clinton advisory committee in 1995. How this video testimony has escaped the pubic discourse for over twenty years is a prime example of how deep the corruption runs in our society.
  •   Child Sex Trafficking Through Child “Protection” Services Exposed
    In this Buzzsaw interview (below), filmmaker Sean Stone interviews Tammi Stefano, the Executive Director of The National Safe Child Coalition (NSCC), and exposes much of the corruption happening within Child Protection Services and Family Courts. This might be one of the few interviews currently available on the Internet that gives this much information on the child sex trafficking business that exists in LA County, and across the nation.
  •   The Padophile Agenda
    The same tactics used to successfully push the gay marriage agenda are now being used to push pedophilia. We can't let that happen.
  •   Sex Crimes and the Vatican
    A secret document that sets out a procedure for dealing with child sex abuse scandals within the Catholic Church is examined by Panorama. Crimen Sollicitationis was enforced for 20 years by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger before he became the Pope.
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