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FREE Video Library: Music

: 10 minutes or less.  : 11- 36 minutes.   : Over 36 min. Fun:


  •   Reason Trump Selected Nessun Dorma for the End of His RNC Nomination Speech
    An independent voter Josh Tolley noticed it seemed strange for Trump to choose opera to end his RNC speech until he figured out where he had heard the piece before. Sydnie Christmas Wins GOLDEN BUZZER With Beautiful Cover of 'Tomorrow'
    Professor and legal scholar Alan Dershowitz and Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist Glenn Greenwald debate the resolution, "The U.S. should strike Iran's nuclear facilities."
  • Shy Janitor Richard Goodall Gets Heidi's Golden Buzzer Is So Emotional
    Steve Perry didn’t reunite with Journey for this week’s episode of “America’s Got Talent,” but an unassuming middle-school janitor named Richard Goodall did a phenomenal job of filling in for him.  Goodall stunned the audience and the show’s judges and even earned a rare “golden buzzer” from model and judge Heidi Klum.
  • Christian Music Artist Natasha Owens Releases New Single, “Trump Won”
    What’s not to love?  Award-winning Christian music artist Natasha Owens recently released her powerful new anthem titled, “Trump Won.”  Already the single has over 1 million views on YouTube.  And it is yet to be labeled with a warning for viewers.
  • "Silence" Music Video About Vaccine Victims
    A touching music video about the plight of all those lives that have been destroyed by these experimental shots being forced on everyone.
  • We're Watching Music Video
    Another brilliant music video parody by creator Media Bear called “We’re Watching” points out the tyrannical absurdity of the coronavirus contact tracing proposals and their relation to the NSA spy grid, all to the tune of Rockwell’s “Somebody’s Watching Me.”
  • New World Order Music Video
    This is an incredible music video that communicates the reality of what is happening on this planet and to our country by the global elite and how they've exploited the events of 9-11 to accelerate their agenda.
  • Once In A Lifetime - Talking Heads Trump
    This is a great, fun video created back in 2017 by swedemason.  Swedemason takes a Talking Heads music video and mixes it with Clips from Trump saying the words.  Very cleverly done. 
  • Eric Clapton - This Has Gotta Stop! Enough is Enough
    After Suffering Horrible “COVID Jab” Side Effects, Rock Legend Eric Clapton Releases New Music Video: ‘This Has Gotta Stop’
  • Van Morrison: No More Lockdown
    An this new music video presentation, legendary singer-songwriter Van Morrison presents a musical protest against government overreach in imposing COVID-19 lockdowns, and against the Hollywood Left's influence in stifling our freedoms. Don't miss it!
  • Music Video Celebrates Cocaine In The Above The Law White House
    MSM and the Biden administration are running in circles trying to downplay the fact that cocaine was found in the White House while Hunter Biden was staying there.
  • Ain't No Rock and Roll Music Video
    The debut song by Five Times August minces no words in calling out stars as “cowards” for complying with government COVID-19 mandates, raking in profits, and wallowing in gold records while selling out their rock-n-roll souls. The new single, “Ain’t No Rock And Roll” out on Baste Records laments the state of the liberal music scene as once-great anthems that challenged the government and authority have now given way to compliant “shills” repeating propaganda.
  • Kari Lake 81 Millioin Votes My Ass Music Video
    #81MillionVotesMyAss is #1 on 2 billboard charts & is about to be #1 overall! Let's keep it there & send a message to the swamp
  • Music Video "Blame Brandon"
    Great song by Billy Falcon.
  • "More of Us ' by Brevner
    A beautiful song to remind us just how much INSANITY we have allowed to consume our lives, how much INSANITY we've allowed to destroy so many lives, doing massively more damage than COVID-19 that we now know is an easily treatable illness with safe, effective and inexpensive early treatment protocols.  We've been LIED TO with the claim that testing positive for COVID means a death sentence and ONLY dangerous, experimental vaccines will save us.
  • No Bravery - Very Moving Music Video That Puts The Iraq War In A Clearer Perspective
    We were massively lied to about why we needed to attack Iraq.  Lies started this war and lies perpetuate it.  If you doubt it watch THE CHAIN OF LIES THAT STARTED THIS WAR, a short video that documents the chain of lies, one morphing into the next, from 9-11 to Operation Iraqi Freedom.  It just amazes me how many people don't think it makes any difference that this war was started with lies.  If you discovered the reasons you were killing people was a lie . . . you'd just keep killing them anyway!?  BOTH POLITICAL PARTIES ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT'S GOING ON!


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