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Video: Social Media Users Appalled by Larry Ellison’s AI Smart City Prison Planet Future

Ellison even ventured into 'potty cam vibes' as one social media user put it.


Social media users are horrified by Orwellian statements made by Larry Ellison, co-founder of the software company Oracle. The chilling statements, made during September’s ‘Keynote on Oracle’s Vision and Strategy: Oracle CloudWorld 2024‘, revolve around the constant surveillance of every individual, A.I. predictive policing and drones being used as the guards for a prison planet.

Gizmodo described Ellison’s company Oracle as a ‘CIA Project‘.

“Citizens will be on their best behavior, because we’re constantly recording and reporting everything that’s going on,” Ellison said.


Ellison did indeed venture into the ‘potty cam vibes’.

“And we actually take the video that the police officer is…by the way and the camera’s always on, you don’t turn it on and off. And by the way the way you turn on…you can’t turn it off…’I’m going to the bathroom’, Oracle umm…I..I need..I need..I need two minutes to take a bathroom break and we’ll ‘turn it off’. The truth is, we don’t really turn it off,” Ellison said. “What we do is we record it so no one can see it.”

He went on to say that with court orders other humans could even watch people use the bathroom, particularly if ‘something comes up’ during the bathroom break.

Ellison went on to laud how cars, once a bastion for the freedom of mobility, are now surveillance systems on wheels.

“The cars have cameras on them. I think we have a squad car here someplace,” he said, referencing police cars specifically. “But those kind of applications, using A.I., if we can use A.I. and we’re using A.I. to monitor the video. So if that altercation had occurred in Memphis, the chief of police would be immediately notified.”

He went on to discuss how people won’t have to monitor all the cameras at all times, as computer A.I. algorithms would preform this task.

He also said that the video recorded of every individual at all times will be ‘unimpeachable’, implying that any video, perhaps even fraudulently planted A.I. deepfake video, would not be able to be debated away by a mere mortal.

As the wider discussion was on policing, Ellison predicted that in his version of the future, every police officer will be supervised by a higher power, the A.I. computer.

Drones are another facet of Ellison’s police state future. Not just today’s drones either, Ellison speaks of a ‘new generation of autonomous drones’ – or drones that can make their own decisions and act as their own agents outside of human control.

“We have drones. If there’s something going on in a shopping center, and I’ll stop…a drone goes out there and gets there way faster than a police car,” he said.

Tucker Carlson recently spoke with Bernard Hudson who formerly worked at the CIA. He also discussed the dark future of drone policing and the panopticon slave grid being set up, although he did not sound enthusiastic about it. The statements were made late in the interview, around 1:50:00.

“Within 10 to 15 years, your first engagement with law enforcement at a traffic stop will be with a drone,” Hudson speculated.

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