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J6 Judges Behaving Badly: A Chronicle . . .



President Trump’s pardon of all January 6th political prisoners has thrown the regime’s activist judges into an absolute tailspin. But more than that, it’s exposed just how deeply flawed and corrupted our justice system has become, thanks to political lawfare and anti-Trump weaponization.

These so-called “judges” are having emotional meltdowns over the presidential pardons, and the rule of law is blatantly taking a dangerous backseat to their radical, hysterical emotions.

These activist January 6th judges are so blinded by politics and consumed by the weaponization of the justice system that they’ve completely forgotten what the rule of law even means. A presidential pardon is absolute and immediate—just ask Biden’s family and all the crooks he’s pardoned.

Just look at how completely off the rails and consumed with vengeance these radical progressive judges have become.

Kyle Cheney:

SIDE NOTE: There are all kinds of ancillary issues cropping up w/ J6 dismissals. Judge Mehta notes that he may not be able to “dismiss” a conviction that has been finalized. Judge Bates wants to know whether he can still penalize a defendant for violations of release conditions.



And another curveball: Judge Kollar-Kotelly wants to know if Trump’s order to dismiss Jan. 6 cases covers a defendant charged with obstruction of justice that occurred months after the attack.


You can read the entire thread by clicking here.

As investigative reporter and J6 advocate Julie Kelly points out, these so-called “judges” just can’t help themselves. They’re too emotional and driven by politics instead of the actual law.

Julie Kelly:


Hoy sh*t. This gem from former chief judge Beryl Howell, an unabashed Trump hater, who denied part of new DC US atty motion to dismiss J6 indictment following Pres Trump’s pardon. She calls the president’s pardon proclamation “flatly wrong.”

When you see someone claiming these proceedings were fair and impartial, present this tirade to them.

Long past time to impeach this desperate, bitter hag.

“The only reason provided for this instruction, as set out in the [President’s] Proclamation’s introduction, is the assertion that this action ‘ends a grave national injustice that has been perpetrated upon the American people over the last four years and begins a process of national reconciliation.

No ‘national injustice’ occurred here, just as no outcome-determinative election fraud occurred in the 2020 presidential election. No “process of national reconciliation” can begin when poor losers, whose preferred candidate loses an election, are glorified for disrupting a constitutionally mandated proceeding in Congress and doing so with impunity. That merely raises the dangerous specter of future lawless conduct by other poor losers and undermines the rule of law.

Yet, this presidential pronouncement of a ‘national injustice’ is the sole justification provided in the government’s motion to dismiss the pending indictment.

Having presided over scores of criminal cases charging defendants for their criminal conduct both outside and inside the U.S. Capitol Building on January 6, 2021, which charges were fully supported by evidence in the form of extensive videotapes and photographs, admissions by defendants in the course of plea hearings and in testimony at trials, and the testimony of law enforcement officers and congressional staff present at the Capitol on that day, this Court cannot let stand the revisionist myth relayed in this presidential pronouncement.

The prosecutions in this case and others charging defendants for their criminal conduct at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, present no injustice, but instead reflect the diligent work of conscientious public servants, including prosecutors and law enforcement officials, and dedicated defense attorneys, to defend our democracy and rights and preserve our long tradition of peaceful transfers of power—which, until January 6, 2021, served as a model to the world—all while affording those charged every protection guaranteed by our Constitution and the criminal justice system.

As to these two defendants specifically, both admitted their criminal conduct under oath, after consultation with their attorneys, and pursuant to plea agreements to which they agreed. Bluntly put, the assertion offered in the presidential pronouncement for the pending motion to dismiss is flatly wrong.”

She dismissed without prejudice instead of with prejudice as DOJ asked.

These January 6th judges are completely out of control, shamelessly spewing left-wing propaganda and blatant lies from the bench. It’s beyond time for these political foot soldiers to be impeached.

Julie Kelly:


Collen Kollar Kotelly (Clinton) just issued a 6-page rant slamming the President’s pardon order, lying about police fatalities, and opining how a pardon does not erase the “crimes” or “facts of Jan 6. (She convicted this defendant of civil disorder and 4 misdemeanors)

Kollar Kotelly:

“Dismissal of charges, pardons after convictions, and commutations of sentences will not change the truth of what happened on January 6, 2021. What occurred that day is preserved for the future through thousands of contemporaneous videos, transcripts of trials, jury verdicts, and judicial opinions analyzing and recounting the evidence through a neutral lens.

Those records are immutable and represent the truth, no matter how the events of January 6 are described by those charged or their allies. What role law enforcement played that day and the heroism of each officer who responded also cannot be altered or ignored.

Present that day were police officers from the U.S. Capitol Police and those who came to their aid when called: the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department, Montgomery County Police Department, Prince George’s County Police Department, Arlington County Police Department, and Fairfax County Police Department.

Grossly outnumbered, those law enforcement officers acted valiantly to protect the Members of Congress, their staff, the Vice President and his family, the integrity of the Capitol grounds, and the Capitol Building-our symbol of liberty and a symbol of democratic rule around the world. For hours, those officers were aggressively confronted and violently assaulted. More than 140 officers were injured. Others tragically passed away as a result of the events of that day.

But law enforcement did not falter. Standing with bear spray streaming down their faces, those officers carried out their duty to protect. All of what I have described has been recorded for posterity, ensuring that what transpired on January 6, 2021 can be judged accurately in the future.”

The good news in all of this is that these radical activist judges are handing January 6th political prisoners all the ammo they need to launch a wave of civil lawsuits.

Julie Kelly:


This time it’s the notorious Tanya C. (Chutkan)

“No pardon can change the tragic truth of what happened on January 6, 2021. On that day, ‘a mob professing support for then-President Trump violently attacked the United States Capitol’ to stop the electoral college certification. The dismissal of this case cannot undo the ‘rampage [that] left multiple people dead, [LIKE SHE CARES] injured more than 140 people, and inflicted millions of dollars in damage.’

It cannot diminish the heroism of law enforcement officers who ‘struggled, facing serious injury and even death, to control the mob that overwhelmed them.’ It cannot whitewash the blood, feces, [??] and terror that the mob left in its wake. And it cannot repair the jagged breach in America’s sacred tradition of peacefully transitioning power.

In hundreds of cases like this one over the past four years, judges in this district have administered justice without fear or favor. The historical record established by those proceedings must stand, unmoved by political winds, as a testament and as a warning.”

Like Judge Howell, she dismissed without prejudice.

These judges are giving these defendants so much evidence for civil lawsuits.

Douglass Mackey, the political lawfare target convicted of election interference and conspiracy for sharing an anti-Hillary meme, asked the million-dollar question: Who’s smarter—a January 6th judge or AI? The answer probably won’t surprise you one bit. Dismissing cases of pardoned defendants “without prejudice” is legal malpractice.

Douglass Mackey:

Who is smarter? ChatGPT or a DC Federal Court judge? Let’s find out.


If the President of the United States grants a full and unconditional pardon for a federal offense, the legal implications are significant, but the dismissal of federal cases does not happen “without prejudice.” Here’s why:

### What Happens After a Pardon?
1. **Effect of a Pardon:** A full and unconditional presidential pardon erases the legal consequences of the crime, effectively forgiving the offense. It does not erase the historical fact that the crime occurred but prevents any further legal punishment for the offense.

2. **Dismissal of Pending Cases:**
– If a federal case is ongoing (e.g., in trial or appeal) and the President pardons the individual, the case would be dismissed **with prejudice**, meaning it cannot be reopened or retried. This is because the pardon fully absolves the person of the offense and renders further prosecution moot.

3. **Post-Conviction Cases:** If the person has already been convicted and is serving a sentence or facing collateral consequences, the pardon would nullify the punishment, and any active cases related to the conviction (e.g., appeals or fines) would end.

### Why Not “Without Prejudice”?
A dismissal “without prejudice” allows for the case to be refiled or reopened later. This would contradict the purpose of a presidential pardon, which is to grant finality and complete forgiveness for the crime.

In short, once a pardon is granted, federal cases should be dismissed with prejudice, as the pardon eliminates the legal basis for continuing prosecution or punishment.

It’s painfully obvious these radical activist judges don’t have the slightest clue about things like, you know, the law and all that pesky legal stuff.

These so-called “judges” might want to start behaving better, especially now that Speaker Johnson has announced the creation of a permanent subcommittee on January 6th. In other words, the jig is up, and the American people are demanding real justice for these political prisoners.

These regime loyalists have no business sitting on the bench or passing judgment on anyone. Their emotional outbursts have completely derailed them. They’ve lost the plot—assuming they ever had the plot to begin with. The truth is, Stage 5 TDS has totally taken over, and the actual rule of law, along with any amount of fairness in our judicial system, has been crushed under the weight of twisted and failed left-wing politics.

Let’s face it, this is a dangerous time in America. The collapse of our judicial system is one of the slipperiest slopes we’ve ever gone down, and it’s putting us dangerously close to full-blown North Korea territory.

Thankfully, President Trump is back in charge. And with his leadership, he and his team can weed out these radicals and help restore faith in our system once again.


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