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Video: Tucker Carlson: Rep. Clay Higgins Interview on the Events of January 6th

Congressman Clay Higgins has been investigating the events of January 6th, 2021 and reveals his findings that the Events of January 6th was the final act prior to the arrest and prosecution of Americans who were identified as Trump supporters.  The objective of January 6th was to destroy the entire MAGA movement, to forever stain the patriotic fervor that was associated with the America First MAGA movement.  The establishment of both major political parties (the uniparty) manufactured the events of January 6th to smash MAGA out of existence not by just destroying Trump but also by destroying the reputations of the movement itself.

Higgins states the major problem we all face is the corruption of the Department of Justice (DOJ) which has zero interest in prosecuting anyone for this massive criminal operation.  Higgins says, unlike the DOJ/Democrats, he has not been trying to create a crime out of whole cloth to fit some narrative.  Rather he's just following the evidence which turns out to implicate the FBI at the highest levels and a conspiracy within our government at the highest levels to set the stage for a compromised election cycle in 2020 and then the actions that took place on January 4, 5, and 6.  And then, criminal investigation, arrest and prosecution of Americans that they were able to entrap and document with the thousands of cameras that were operating that day and use that evidence against the Americans they were setting up for prosecution.


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