FREE Video Library: Al Gore
: 10 minutes or less.
: 11- 36 minutes.
: Over 36 min. Fun:
The Many Errors of Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth"
An Inconvenient Truth is a documentary film from 2006 by Al Gore. The year after it was released it was hauled in front of the UK high court, and found to be riddled with errors. What are these errors, and what can they tell us about climate science?YouTube ‘Corrects’ Conservative Comic on Global Warming
Michael Loftus admits he’ll grab any excuse to share his Al Gore impression. Why not? It’s rock solid. Only this time the Big Tech Overlords were listening, too. And, apparently, they weren’t pleased that Loftus poked fun at the “Inconvenient Sequel” star. The most recent Loftus Party video mocks both the former Vice President as well as President Barack Obama. The latter brought it on himself, to be fair.Al Gore Is A Self-Serving LIAR
When considering a huge issue like giving the government a mandate to "manage the global climate," when they have never proven competent to manage anything properly, it's crucial to take the time to evaluate the trustworthiness of the people selling you on the idea.