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FREE Video Library: Gender Affirming Care

: 10 minutes or less.  : 11- 36 minutes.   : Over 36 min. Fun:


  •   Affirmative Generation - The Lies of Transgender Medicine
    De-transitioners Michelle, Laura, Cat, David, Joel and Abel tell the stories of their gender distress, transgender medicalization, and subsequent de-transition.  Without diagnostic clarity or mental health evaluations, their doctors quickly affirmed them as “transgender,” and mindlessly ushered them along the path of medical transition (The “gender-affirming care” is the only treatment recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics).
  •   Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson on Transgenderism: "All Hell is Going to Break Loose."
    Joe Rogan & Jordan Peterson discuss the realities of transgenderism and concepts like the "devouring mother" who is responsible for a great deal of our current struggle with the insanity of Wokeism.  Dr. Jordan B. Peterson is a clinical psychologist, the author of several best-selling books, among them "12 Rules for Life: An antidote to Chaos," and "Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life," and host of "The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast."
  •   The Sentence a Doctor Cannot Say on YouTube Regarding Transgender Issues
    There is a sentence so devastating to liberal dogma that a doctor is not allowed to speak it in a YouTube video. Michelle Cretella, executive director of the American College of Pediatricians, is the thought criminal who had to be censored. The forbidden sentence.  “See, if you want to cut off a leg or an arm, you’re mentally ill, but if you want to cut off healthy breasts or a penis, you’re transgender.”  Dr Cretella has plenty more to say that the liberal establishment won’t like regarding just how evil it is to sacrifice children to the transgender agenda.
  •   The Dangers of a Transgender Ideology
    The rush to embrace and affirm the transgender agenda is based on ideology, not science, and children struggling with gender dysphoria may be the most vulnerable victims.
  •   OBAMACARE - A Primary Funding Source Behind the Trans Boom
    Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” shares a DM clip of Tucker Carlson talking to Chris Moritz about the shocking reality behind how Obamacare opened the door for the proliferation of pediatric gender clinics and transgender surgeries on youth.
  • De-Transitioner: Here’s What Her Doctors Didn’t Tell Her
    Dr Peterson and Chloe Cole walk through her early childhood as she was going through puberty leading up to her transition. Jordan breaks down her gender dysphoria from a psychologist's point of view. Chloe Cole is an 18-year-old de-transitioner from The Central Valley of California. She started her transition at 12 years old, puberty blockers and testosterone at 13, and had a double mastectomy at 15 years old. She is now a strong advocate against gender ideology.
  • Jennifer Bilek | Who is Behind the TRANS AGENDA?
    Dennifer Bilez is an investigative journalist, a feminist and a leading voice really looking behind the curtain at who is pushing this TRANS AGENDA! In this interview, we discuss one of the most controversial subjects of our time: the massive effort to promote transgenderism and to push "gender-affirming care" on children. Everyone has heard of the documentary "What is a Woman" but that film didn't dare ask: "Who is behind this?"
  • Detransition: The Wounds That Won't Heal | Chloe Cole
    Dr Jordan B Peterson sits down with 18 years old de-transitioner Chloe Cole. Chloe was indoctrinated, affirmed, and set on an irreparable path at the age of 15, and now finds herself abandoned by the community and the doctors that lead her over the edge. Chloe Cole is an 18-year-old de-transitioner from The Central Valley of California. She started her transition at 12 years old, puberty blockers and testosterone at 13, and had a double mastectomy at 15 years old. She is now a strong advocate against gender ideology.
  • 'Detransitioned' Navy SEAL: They Hide the Fact That I Exist
    'Detransitioned' Navy SEAL Chris Beck shares his story of 'detransitioning' and voices his concerns over sterilizing transgender kids on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight.'
  • The Trans Delusion
    A great short video demonstrating how transgender identification is a delusion, a psychological problem that under any other circumstances would be diagnosed as such with no controversy whatsoever.  Delusion (noun) - "A fixed, false, idiosyncratic belief...one of a trilogy of psychotic symptoms."
  • California Pushes Bill to Teach Elementary Kids About Different Sexual Orientations
    A newly created mother-lead parent group from Orange Country went to the Capitol in Sacramento to protest policymakers. California is looking to create new comprehensive sex education curriculum and a proposal to teach gender theory to kindergartners.
  • Chemist Says How They're Making People Gay (Chemicals in Food)
    Turns out one of the main reasons we are seeing a huge upsurge of sexual ambiguity in humans is due to chemicals deliberately put into our food like ATRAZINE, just one of many, BPA (additives in Plastics), Soy (Estrogen Hormone mimicker).  And of course plenty of  Rx drugs and Birth Control that gets flushed down our toilets and into our drinking Water .  They are poisoning us, and knowingly transforming normal human hormonal structures with their GD CHEMICALS!  Then of course they bombard us with deliberate propaganda to brainwash everyone into believing crap like "gender fluidity" is some kind of natural occurance we should all embrace.  
  • “Blueprint” Reveals How Radicals are Infiltrating Government to Push Abortion, Transgender Agenda
    Radical abortion activists are infiltrating government agencies through a program called the “Blueprint Appointments Project (BAP)”  to push a pro-abortion, pro-transgender agenda.  Some details of the scheme were available in Planned Parenthood’s “2023 in Review: A focus on defending access.”
  • Vivek Ramaswamy: The ‘Gender Fluid’ Movement Is A Cult-like Belief System
    GOP presidential hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy dismantled the progressive left’s “divisive” narrative about civil rights, the women’s movement, and the LGBTQ community, warning the hypocrisy championed by “cult-like” so-called social justice warriors defy “principles of sheer logic.”
  • TRANSHUMANISM - THE END GAME - Laura Aboli Epic Speech on the Transhumanist PsyOp of 'Transgenderism'
    This is an outstanding speech given by Laura Aboli at the Better Way Conference on June 3, 2023. In just a little over 12 minutes, Laura clearly summarizes EXACTLY what we are seeing unfolding across our planet and also presents common-sense solutions to ending the INSANITY being imposed on humanity by the psychopaths who are currently in control of most all the wealth and resources.
  • Dr. Miriam Grossman Warns the Transgender Movement is an Evil Cult Promoting Disembodiment
    The very core of what it means to be a human is being erased by the elite.
  • Parents Fighting Back Against Gender Identity Doctrine
    Parents found out the state was forcing schools to teach a scientifically inaccurate sexual identity doctrine to students. This is a story of parents and community members getting together to fight against politically motivated, agenda-driven curriculum.
  • Blaire White - There Are Only 2 Genders, Get The F**k Over It
    Blaire White is a transgender man who speaks the truth about the fact that gender IS NOT A SOCIAL CONSTRUCT, it's a biological construct.



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