FREE Video Library: Racial Issues
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Historian Reveals the TRUTH About Slavery
Eminent historian Nigel Biggar delves into the historical roots of slavery as a universal institution spanning throughout human history. Join him as he explores Britain's leading role in the abolition and eradication of slavery worldwide. Gain insightful knowledge about the trans-Atlantic slave trade's place within the broader context of this pervasive institution. Prepare to broaden your understanding of history and challenge preconceived notions.What is White Culture?
The radical Left is engaged in a ruthless assault on white people often claiming outrageous things such as "there is no such thing as White Culture." That's as stupid as saying white people don't exist. You will never hear such nonsense said about Blacks, Asians, Jews or any non-European groups.There Is Systemic Racism in the United States . . . . AGAINST WHITE PEOPLE
In his latest episode, Uncensored: Systemic Racism Against White Americans, Tucker Carlson asks, “There is systemic racism in the United States against whites. Everyone knows it. Nobody says it. How come?” Jeremy Carl, author of The Unprotected Class, How anti-White Racism Is Tearing America Apart joined him to discuss the issue.Tucker Carlson Wonders What Bathhouse Barry Is Doing These Days
In this Tucker Carlson Uncensored clip Tucker highlights the fact that Barrack (Barry) Obama and his wife Michelle have always been a King and Queen of race-baiting royalty. They have never done one thing to ease racial tensions despite being a crowning example of the fact that they managed to achieve great wealth, power, and influence despite being "black" all the while pissing and moaning about how oppressed they are.Sharika Soal: Black People Can Be Racist And It’s Time For Democrats To Face The Truth
Yet another black person has committed a hate crime while Democrats in New York and their governor are introducing reparations legislation. Which should be an insult to every American, especially non-black ones. Where are the Latino reparations? All races were slaves at one point, and still so in African countries.Louisiana Teacher Began Sounding the Alarm About Marxist Trends in our Schools in the 80s and 90s
This is Ezola Foster. She was born in Louisiana in 1938 and was a public school teacher for 33 years. In the 1980s & ’90s she began sounding the alarm about troubling trends in our schools.The Fall of Minneapolis
Learn how the left exploited George Floyd's death to stoke racial and cultural division in America. Fall of Minneapolis is a crowdfunded documentary by Alpha News that exposes how the left’s used the death of George Floyd to launch a color revolution in the United States. The documentary shows interviews of dozens of officers, witnesses, and experts who were there during the 2020 riots and the aftermath following the arrest and death of George Floyd.Everything You Were Told About George Floyd Was a LIE
Floyd was NOT Murdered By Police Officer, Says Tucker Carlson. Lawsuit filed by prosecutor Amy Sweasy claims medical examiner who performed Floyd's autopsy withheld true cause of death for fear of Democrat retaliation. Get ready to hear some COLD HARD TRUTH! Must see Carlson interview with Vince Everett Ellison.Thomas Sowell : This is Why the Left Only Focuses on Race
Hoover Institution senior fellow Thomas Sowell discusses his new book 'Social Justice Fallacies' and makes the case for why race is not always to blame on social justice issues on 'Life, Liberty & Levin.Condoleezza Rice Schools "The View" Hosts on Critical Race Theory
“We should be able to empower black children without hurting white children." EXACTLY."I Used to Hate America" - Why Amala Changed Her Mind
Amala Ekpunobi shares what sparked her transformation from America-hating activist to being proud to be an American.This Must Be Said! Being Poor Is Your Fault
“Defund the police!” is shouted in the streets. spray-painted on precinct buildings. Countless citizens believe all police are racists. In this era of civil unrest and political divide, how do Black cops—or any cops—maintain the motivation and commitment to do their job? Former Tucson police officer—Brandon Tatum, shares his story and the stories of other police officers in the pages of his new book, Beaten Black and Blue.Here’s the CURE For The Quackery Known As “Critical Race Studies”
The cure for the quackery known as Critical Race Studies is to speak the truth about race, as black pastor Eugene Rivers did in a now-famous essay on the nihilism of the inner city.Thomas Sowell: Common Sense in a Senseless World
Thomas Sowell: Common Sense in a Senseless World traces Sowell's journey from humble beginnings to the Hoover Institution, becoming one of this era's greatest economists, political philosophers, and prolific authors. Hosted by Jason Riley, a member of "The Wall Street Journal" editorial board, this one-hour program features insights from Sowell and interviews with his close friends and associates, revealing why the intensely private Thomas Sowell is considered by many to be "one of the greatest minds of the past half-century" and "the smartest person in the room."Shelby Steele: How Black Victimhood Became Black Power— White Guilt Is What? Amazon censors…
“The tragedy of America’s history is that now in freedom, we embrace slavery; we embrace subservience; we embrace victimization—even as we’re free,” says Shelby Steele. The shooting of Michael Brown in 2014 in Ferguson, Missouri prompted a national outcry against racism and police brutality—and still shapes the popular consciousness today. But much of the popularized narrative was not true. The slogan “hands up, don’t shoot” was based on a falsehood. Brown had not surrendered with his hands up, and he had, in fact, struggled with officer Darren Wilson for his gun, according to exhaustive witness interviews, ballistics, DNA evidence, and autopsy results—all detailed in a Justice Department report. So, “What Killed Michael Brown?” This is the question posed by the new documentary film starring and written by Hoover Institution senior fellow Shelby Steele and directed by his filmmaker son Eli Steele. In this episode, we sit down with Shelby and Eli Steele to discuss the film, and why they believe Amazon is censoring it.Candace Owens Calls out Lebron James on Tucker Carlson
Candace Owens declares the truth about current manufactured racial conflict. She says there is “not in a race war” and the media is “trying to create that simulation” to destroy the country. Owens cited LeBron James’ tweet that black people are being “hunted” and said that the shooting of police officers in Los Angeles “was a natural progression of the left’s increasingly deranged rhetoric. It breaks my heart.Tucker - Critical Race Theory is a Lie From Start To Finish
Critical race theory is the latest attempt by the most privileged people in our society to displace the blame for their mismanagement of the country onto the people below them.The Fraud of the Claim That American Is Systemically Racist
An incredibly important 5-minute video exposing the massive fraud perpetrated by the Left/Democrats who hammer away at the claim that America is systemically racist, that racism is in America's DNA. “If the politics of the Democratic Party prevail, this nation will commit suicide.”Denise Prager - Honestly, though… We are ONE race. It is not racist to say that.
Denise Prager exposes the total intellectual dishonesty of the talking point being POUNDED OVER EVERYONE HEAD that the United States is systemically racist. With just a tiny bit of honest reflection, THERE IS NO EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT IT. It makes no sense. It's complete bull shit.Civil Rights Activist Bob Woodson: Low-income Blacks Being 'bamboozled and Hustled and Scammed' by Democrats
Woodson: "I believe that the salvation of this country ... will be the sleeping giant: When low-income Blacks wake up and realize that they are being bamboozled and hustled and scammed by people like Lori Lightfoot and others -- they are going to realize that they must address the enemy within."Black Lives Matter Created by Radical Marxists, Funded by Organizers Convicted of Domestic Terrorism
While the radical group Black Lives Matter continues to receive support from both Republicans and Democrats, many are unaware of the group’s more sinister origins. One America’s Pearson Sharp has more on the organization’s direct ties to domestic terrorists."BET Founder Robert Johnson: Black People ‘Laugh’ at White People Toppling Statues, Canceling TV Shows
BET Founder Robert Johnson: "Protesters destroying monuments “have the mistaken assumption that black people are sitting around cheering for them saying ‘Oh, my God, look at these white people. Black People ‘Laugh’ at White People Toppling Statues, Canceling TV Shows. Frankly, black people don't give a damn. And so, to me, it falls into an attempt by white Americans to assuage guilt by doing things that make THEM feel good."Founding Member of Black Panther Party Larry Pinkney Destroys BLM/Antifa
Larry Pinkney talls it like it is! He's one of the people BLM enthusiasts should be listening to instead of the paid agitators, corrupt politicians and their minions in the MSM!The Candace Owens Show: What Does Black America Want?
Candace Owens discusses the hot-button issues of the day: reactions to her viral video on Black Lives Matter, Rayshard Brooks, defunding the police, and the state of Black America. You don’t want to miss this.An Honest History of Black People and the Democrat Party
Only one party in America has a history of embracing slavery and institutional racism. The Democrat party.Larry Elders - Why Are Black Conservatives Called Uncle Tom?
Are police actually using deadly force disproportionately against black people? And how does the focus on police overshadow other monumental problems facing black America today? Why is believing that, black lives matter, not the same as supporting the Black Lives Matter organization? And, why are black conservatives often excluded from mainstream public awareness and discourse? In this episode, we sit down again with radio talk show personality and bestselling author Larry Elder, who hosts The Larry Elder Show for The Epoch Times. He is the executive producer of the new documentary “Uncle Tom.”Another Black American Takes on the Hypocrisy and Phony Virtue Signaling of the Democrats
His name is Damani Felder, and he has something to say to the radical leftists and the Democrat leadership. He just started a YouTube channel with his sibling called “The Right Brothers,” and their motto is “identity politics is dead.”Black Lives Matter: Only When They Need Your Vote
You Are Being Used! Black female conservative Samantha Mason @samanthamarika1 destroys the leftist narrative that the Democratic party cares about the black community.Prager U: ‘Black Lives Matter’ Is Not Helping Blacks
The evidence is clear: Police brutality is simply not the biggest issue facing blacks in America, yet this is all that ‘Black Lives Matter’ activists seem to care about. Black lives do matter—and they deserve the truth about the REAL issues facing black Americans. What are these issues, and how can they be solved? Derryck Green of Project 21 joins Will Witt to discuss.Police Racism: A Manufactured Crisis
Jared Taylor cites Justice Department statistics and scientific studies that show there is no evidence of "systemic bias" against blacks in the justice system. Rioting and looting are wrong, no matter what the reason. Rioting and looting over an illusion — because of something that isn’t even true — is a tragedy.Candace Owens - The Left Wants to Keep Racism Alive
In America, there's a card more valuable than any card from Visa or American Express. What is it? How can you get one? Candace Owens answers these questions and explains why the Left continually invokes racism.Prager U: Racism Is Not in America’s DNA
Americans want to be united. The left wants us divided. Larry Elder rebuts the claim that America is inherently racist.Steve Harvey Talks About Hate From Blacks On Social Media When He Met With Trump
Steve Harvey Talks About Hate From Blacks On Social Media When He Met With Trump To Make A CHANGE! Steve Harvey is willing to be part of the solution rather than part of the problem. Now if only there were more like him.America is the Least Racist Multi-Ethnic Country On Earth
Short Vid (90 seconds) America is the least racist multi-ethnic country on Earth. Elizabeth Warren and the Left should stop dividing our nation.Reparations is a Weaponization of Victimization.
Will Johnson of talks with The Right Brothers, about the proposed reparations by Democrat 2020 presidential hopefuls. Do the majority of African Americans want reparations?Why They Want To Replace White People
Here are reasons why maniac elites want to replace White people.Malcolm X on Liberals
A must-see for those that are looking for the truth about left-wing ideologies.Shelby Steele: 'White Guilt is Black Power'
Shelby Steele brilliantly explains precisely how white guilt is used as a weapon.Black Student LEAVES The Left's Plantation!
INCREDIBLE! Black Stanford Student Completely DESTROYS The Left! Black Americans Are Waking Up & LEAVING The Left’s Plantation!Dinesh D'Souza - Why Democrats Don't Want To Help Inner Cities
It's not an accident that Democrats have spent trillions of dollars on America's inner cities and made virtually no progress.Blacks in Power Don't Empower Blacks
Between 1970 and 2012, the number of black elected officials rose from fewer than 1,500 to more than 10,000. How has this affected the black community? Jason Riley of The Manhattan Institute answers the question in this video.The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party
Did you know that the Democratic Party defended slavery, started the Civil War, founded the KKK, and fought against every major civil rights act in U.S. history? Watch as Carol Swain, professor of political science at Vanderbilt University, shares the inconvenient history of the Democratic Party. Donate today to help us reach more people with this video!What Happens When White Folks Leave? (Detroit)
Conservatives and Liberals have different reasons as to why Detroit is going bankrupt. The real reason - whites have left town and they are the economic producers.-
Go Back To Europe
Lana responds to anti-Whites who tell White Americans to "go back to Europe," but would they be allowed in?
South Africa Is Seizing White-Owned Farms In A Barbaric Way
This is sick. And barbaric. And it seems that no one in our media is talking about it, so I figure I’d at least mention it. South Africa’s ruling party wants to amend their constitution so that they can go ahead and start seizing land – mostly from white farm owners.Africans Have Never Built a Major Enduring City in 3,000 Years
Reverend Manning is a very courageous minister, one who says things that need to be said regardless of the backlash he may face. For example, he always spoke out very harshly against Barack Obama, calling him a total fraud, a long-legged Mac Daddy! In this talk he broaches a topic that I've never heard anyone else talk about. The fact that Africans have never built a major enduring city in 3,000 years.