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Video: Everything You Were Told About George Floyd Was a LIE

Was NOT Murdered By Police Officer, Says Tucker Carlson

Lawsuit filed by prosecutor Amy Sweasy claims medical examiner who performed Floyd's autopsy withheld true cause of death for fear of Democrat retaliation.

The official story that George Floyd was murdered by a police officer was a bald-faced lie perpetuated by the Democrats and media, Tucker Carlson reported on Friday.

Carlson described how new testimony from a lawsuit by Hennepin County Prosecutor Amy Sweasy “conclusively” reveals that Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin, who is currently serving over 20 years in prison, did not murder Floyd by kneeling on his neck for several minutes on May 25, 2020.

“In other words, George Floyd, according to the official autopsy, was not murdered,” Carlson said on his show “Tucker Carlson on X.”

The medical examiner determined Floyd’s truth cause of death was actually fentanyl overdose, according to the lawsuit.

“He died instead of what we used to call natural causes, which in his case would include decades of drug use, as well as the fatal concentration of fentanyl that was in his system on his final day. So this was not a killing, it was yet another narcotics OD in a country that records more than 100,000 of them every year. The medical examiner clearly understood that and, in fact, articulated it.”

According to her deposition, Sweasy stated that Dr. Andrew Baker, the medical examiner who performed Floyd’s autopsy, withheld Floyd’s true cause of death for fear of public retaliation.

“He said to me, ‘Amy, what happens when the actual evidence doesn’t match up with the public narrative that everyone’s already decided on?’ … and then he said, ‘This is the kind of case that ends careers,’” the deposition reads.

“In other words, everyone lied about it from the very beginning,” Carlson continued. “The people who knew the truth hid the truth and allowed the revolution to proceed.”

In light of this new exonerating evidence, will Chauvin still have to remain in prison for life? Only time will tell.


And they are STILL using Floyd's death at every opportunity!


Oh Praise Thee, Most Holy Floyd, Patron Saint of Fentanyl!

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