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A Fully Indexed Page With Just Election Fraud Articles & Videos
A Fully Indexed Page With Just Medical/Pandemic Fraud Articles & Videos

FREE Video Library: PCR Tests/Virus Tests

: 10 minutes or less.  : 11- 36 minutes.   : Over 36 min. Fun:




  •   Tom Renz - Vaxx Mandates Incoming Justified by Fraudulent PCR Testing
    Attorney Tom Renz joins The Alex Jones Show to explain how the government is paving the way for new vaccine mandates and renewed emergency health authorizations by fearmongering bird flu outbreaks ahead of President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration. All the medical tyrants need is mass PCR testing to prop up their emergency authorization of these gene therapy jabs.
  •   PCR Tests Are NOT Legitimate Tests For Viral Infections
    This information needs to be spread far and wide!  It is arguably THE MOST IMPORTANT information everyone needs to know to expose how they create one fake pandemic after another.  They are all driven by these so-called TESTS which they know damned well are not tests at all.  PCR is essentially a manufacturing process created for research purposes and NOT A DIAGNOTIC PROCESS.   It's utterly incapable of diagnosing live viral infections.
  •   Without the PCR Test There Would Be No Pandemics! THE PCR TEST DECEPTION
    Without the PCR test, there would be no pandemics. What justifies lockdowns? What justifies “vaccines”? What justifies medical apartheid? Answer: CASE NUMBERS.  CASE NUMBERS that are produced by a PCR Test not designed for diagnostic use and not capable of doing the job it’s being used for.  If the media were to ever report the facts about this test, the lynchpin of the whole illusion would be removed and the house of cards would collapse. That’s precisely why they won’t report the facts, and precisely why we have to.
  •   Biggest Lie in World History: There Never Was A Pandemic
    From the very outset, both the media and the governments have overlooked and ignored the flaws and falsehoods pertaining to the RT-PCR test as a means to detecting the spread of the virus and identifying SARS-CoV-2.  “The PCR is a Process. It does not tell you that you are sick”.
  •   Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg - The Broad Issue of Corruption in the World Health Organization (WHO)
    In this intimate sit down interview from the film "Planet Lockdown" with Wolfgang Wodarg, we discuss the broad issue of corruption in the WHO, how we should understand the "pandemic," or lack there of and how we must stop this diabolical trend towards a fake medical dystopia that will take over all aspects of our lives justified by a fake testing process.
  •   Global Tyranny Justified By A Fraudulent COVID-19 Test - That's Not A Test
    This is a segment from a World Freedom Alliance Documentary "COVID-19 Wake Up Call."  This segment focuses on the heart of this global crime against humanity, the COVID-19 Test which isn't a test at all.  It's a process that was never intended as a diagnostic tool but rather as a research tool, a manufacturing process.
  •   Christian Drosten's Bogus COVID Test Responsible For Destroying Global Economies
    David Icke details the totally bogus protocol used for every single PCR test around the world, created by Mr. 'COVID TEST" himself, Christian Drosten. If you trust this guy, YOU HAVEN'T LOOKED INTO ANYTHING HE HAS ACTUALLY DONE TO SEE WHAT A TOTAL FRAUD HE IS! He's just as bad as Neil Ferguson, the corrupt IDIOT who did all the wild death predictions that every single IDIOTIC government used to justify every destructive policy now responsible for destroying millions of lives.
  •   Austrian MP Uses New Rapid COVID Test on COLA and Gets Positive Result!
    This is a segment from a World Freedom Alliance Documentary "COVID-19 Wake Up Call."  This segment focuses on the heart of this global crime against humanity, the COVID-19 Test which isn't a test at all.  It's a process that was never intended as a diagnostic tool but rather as a research tool, a manufacturing process.
  •   Dr. Rashid A Buttar - Why Everyone Could Test Positive
    Dr. Rashid explains the reality of COVID-19 tests and the massive number of false positive results that most everyone is assuming are "real numbers."  It's all FAKE!
  •   Dr. Michael Yeadon - THE PANDEMIC IS OVER! No second Wave!
    Former Vice President and Chief Science Advisor at Pfizer Pharmaceutical Mike Yeadon discusses his thoughts as to why the lockdown was a mistake, and why the government strategies to manage the pandemic are only making things worse. Dr. Yeadon exposes the massive amount of misinformation and flat-out LIES being told to the world population, especially how they are using the entirely unreliable PCR test to create a false perception of the virus wielding spreading.
  •   Andrew Kaufmann - Nobody Has Ever Isolated the COVID-19 Virus for Testing Purposes
    THE BIG THING NOBODY IS TALKING ABOUT IS 'WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY EVEN TESTING FOR?"  Everyone is just blindly believing whatever they are being told.  The FACT is, nobody has ever isolated a virus responsible for what they are calling COVID-19 illness! NOBODY! The test is based on a FRIGGIN COMPUTER MODEL based on an RNA fragment with no proof of its origin! Our entire economy and way of life have been devastated based on totally bogus computer models, from bogus death statistics to bogus testing results!
  •   Dr. Thomas Cowan - Covid19 Fails Koch's Postulates
    Learn the truth about how we are being "deliberately misimformed about what's going on."
  •   Inventor of the PCR Test Kary Mullis Exposes Dr. Anthony Fauci For Who He Really Is!
    Kary Mullis won a Nobel Prize for his invention of the PCR test so if anyone would know whether the test is being used properly or not it would be Kary Mullis. In these clips, Kary makes it quite clear what he thinks of Dr. Anthony Fauci and how his test is being misused to deliberately manufacture the false perception of pandemics that don't actually exist. The pandemics are not viral pandemics but rather FAKE TEST PANDEMICS!
  •   Dr. Kary Mullis Exposes the Fraud Behind Claims That HIV Causes AIDS
    In this segment from the fantastic film "The House of Numbers", Dr. Kary Mullis, who won a Nobel Prize for inventing the PCR Test being used to improperly manufacture COVID-19 case number hysteria, exposes the fact that Big Pharma and A WHOLE LOT OF CORRUPT RESEARCHERS AND SCIENTISTS lied to everyone about the total lack of proof behind their claims that the HIV virus cased AIDS. They created a totally unsubstantiated narrative for Big Pharma to make enormous profits off everyone's ignorance.
  •   The Truth About THE MASSIVE CRIMINAL FRAUD of RT-PCR Tests and Antibody Tests
    PCR test that is producing the ‘virus cases’ triggering the new lockdowns worldwide is testing for genetic codes that every human has and NOT THE ‘VIRUS’ – David Icke talks with Dr Andrew Kaufman about the astonishing hoax transforming human society.
  •   A Breakdown on Current COVID-19 Testing Procedures
    Andrew Kaufmann utterly demolishes the 'covid-19' test' and the very existence of the 'virus' - an absolutely must-watch.
  •   Over 30 Years Ago Dr. Robert Willner Exposed Fauci's Murderous Lie That HIV Causes AIDS
    Fauci has LITERALLY been getting away with mass murder for DECADES orchestrating one fake pandemic after another!  This is a presentation given by Dr. Robert Willner where he accuses Anthony Fauci of genocide.  Dr. Willner exposes Fauci's first major criminal fraud, the HIV causes AIDS hoax.  Fauci realized he could hijack the newly invented PCR process, call it a test and used it to manufacture the perception that a pandemic was occurring by simply controlling the number of cycles used in the process.


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