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Video: Chinese Immigrant Warns Communist Cultural Revolution Happening NOW In America

We must learn from history or it will repeat

This episode of The Tucker Carlson Encounter features Chinese immigrant Xi Van Fleet urgently warning the American people a communist revolution is taking place in the U.S.

Van Fleet described her life growing up under Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolution, explaining the Red Guards “took over the country.”

She said the Red Guards consisted of the nation’s youth and children, from elementary school to college age.

When her school was shut down for two years, Van Fleet said the children had nothing else to do but watch the revolution taking place in the streets.

The former Chinese citizen saw political dissidents going through struggle sessions and the revolutionaries becoming violent.

Mao, according to Van Fleet, started the revolution against his own communist party because he thought he was losing power and could use the upheaval to crack down on citizens.

The parallels between what Mao did to China and what is currently happening in America are striking.

It’s imperative for people in Western nations to listen to Van Fleet’s warning and learn from history by refusing to fall for the same tricks used to destroy China.


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