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FREE Video Library: Immigration/Illegal Immigration

: 10 minutes or less.  : 11- 36 minutes.   : Over 36 min. Fun:


  • THE UK IS GONE! They Are Now Arresting Citizens For Online Posts They Don't Like
    It is almost unbelievable what is happening in the UK though it's been steadily creeping towards this for decades. The UK government is openly hostile towards citizens who dare to speak out against rampant immigrant violence to the point where they being arrested instead of those immigrants committing the violence. To be sure, what we see happening in the UK will soon be as openly and aggressively happening here at home.
  •   Rep. Eli Crane Reveals Shocking DHS Inspector General Report on Unvetted Illegals Getting Visas
    The DHS Inspector General has reported that the Biden-Harris waived vetting processes for 7-9 million people to whom they gave visas. This is a serious lapse in our security, leaving massive vulnerabilities for terrorists to exploit.
  •   Lara Logan - U.S. Government Sponsored Child Trafficking Exposed!
    In this video, Lara Logan details a Biden administration Dept. of Health and Human Services who enacted a rule change to the Unaccompanied Minor Program that legalizes the practice of child trafficking by the United States Government paid for with our tax dollars.
  • EXPOSED: Over and Over Illegals Tell Investigators They're Registered To Vote
    We have warned about this since the border was flung wide open. This is a compilation put together by the Oversight Project proving beyond doubt that a highly organized effort has been underway by the Democrats to ensure illegal immigrants vote in the upcoming election.
  •   Over 3,500 Chinese Illegal Aliens Caught Crossing Southern Border in May
    According to the CBP, 3,593 Chinese illegal aliens were caught after crossing the southern border in May of this year alone. 98 percent of them were in the San Diego sector in California. San Diego sector also had hundreds of illegals from each country: Jordan, Turkey, and Mauritania in May.
  •   Great Replacement: Sen. Schumer Calls For Amnesty of Millions of Illegals to Offset Declining U.S. Population
    Democrat Senate Leader Chuck Schumer called for amnesty for “all” illegal aliens in a resurfaced 2022 clip that’s recently gone viral on social media.
  •   ‘Free Speech is Dead!’ Dutch Conservative Confirms Prosecution For Online Criticism of Mass Immigration
    Dutch conservative lawyer and presenter Raisa Blommestijn has revealed she is being prosecuted by authorities in the Netherlands for online criticism of mass immigration after commenting on viral footage of a defenseless Dutch boy being thrown onto a railway track by a gang of migrants.  In a video published on X, Blommestijn confirmed she had received a summons from the Dutch public prosecutor to attend a court hearing in front of multiple judges on Aug. 19 to face charges of “racism” and “inciting hatred.”
  • 300,000 Migrants Secretly Flown To America
    A controversial program relocating asylum seekers from 4 specific countries has come to light, but although critics say this program is a bad idea, proponents say it's decreasing congestion at the border. What do you think?
  • UN Troops Being Brought In As Migrant Refugees
    Are armed enforcers of the next WHO-enforced pandemic lockdown already in Western countries and waiting for orders?
  •   Eva Vlaardingerbroek Warns Whites To Take A Stand Agsinst Globalist Great Replacement Agenda
    This is the full speech Eva gave at CPAC Hungary that the establishment is losing its absolute mind about. She spoke the forbidden truth: The Great Replacement is no longer a theory - it’s reality. White Europeans are being replaced in their own countries at an ever accelerating rate and it will mean the end of our civilization if we don’t turn things around.
  •   Senator Ted Cruz Rips Biden Administration for Aiding and Abetting the Border Invasion
    Senator Cruz passionately details the treasonous Biden administration policies responsible for allowing total uncontrolled illegal immigration into the United States of America.  The Biden administration has willfully and deliberately facilitated the criminal invasion.  It's a public safety crisis, a humanitarian crisis, and a national security crisis.  And now that the House has impeached Alejandro Mayorkas the Senate Democrats, led by the completely despicable Schumer, are doing everything they can to make sure Mayorkas is never held accountable by derailer a Senate trial that would expose every detail about what they have done.
  •   Illegal Immigrants Begin Squatting In US Homes
    Word appears to have gotten out among illegal immigrants that many U.S. states allow them to seize the homes of Americans using squatters rights laws. In a recent case in New York, a group of alleged illegal immigrants was arrested by police after they were found with drugs, firearms, and a 7-year-old child in the residence they had taken. This isn’t just an issue in the United States, either. In other countries also being targeted for mass illegal immigration, the so-called migrants are likewise seizing the homes of local citizens.
  •   Joe Biden Flew 90% of Illegals in Secret Flight Program to Florida and Texas
    Joe Biden flew most of the illegal aliens in his secret migrant flight program to Florida and Texas – to punish the red states with a crushing amount of new illegal aliens.  Biden sent 90% of the illegals in the secret flight program to Florida and Texas.  Republican lawmakers are once again too weak to do anything about this purposeful destruction of America.
  •   Undercover Video — Denver City Official Begs Illegal Aliens to Leave City
    A Democrat city official in Denver, Colorado, was caught on camera telling illegal aliens they should consider leaving the jurisdiction for other sanctuary cities that have more resources.  Footage shows the city’s “newcomer communication liaison” telling illegals the Denver’s resources have been depleted, and that other cities have more for them.
  •   Border Patrol LIFTED Razor Wire at Rio Grande for Hundreds of Illegals
    Border Hawk takes you to the Mexican side of the river to break down our bombshell coverage of Border Patrol sabotaging a razor wire barrier with a forklift and then ushering through hundreds of illegal aliens.
  •   Illegal Alien Reveals How Little He Has to Do to Get So Much Free Stuff From Taxpayers
  • This clip of an interview with an illegal alien is jaw-dropping.  The amount of resources that are being handed out to all these people who have entered our country ILLEGALLY is staggering.
  •   Drone Video Reveals Massive NYC Migrant Tent City, Kept Under Wraps By Democrats & Media
    Democrats in New York City and their allies in leftist corporate media are keeping a massive migrant shelter hidden from the public, located at a previously operational airfield in southern Brooklyn. This comes as the metro area has been flooded with upwards of 175,000 illegals in just a few short years.
  •   Traitor Joe's Illegal Alien Welcoming Center in Chicago Exposed
    Insane footage - Biden Illegal Alien Welcoming Center in Chicago Exposed! This is all part of the US State Departments new “Welcoming Center” and “Safe Mobility Offices,” designed to streamline even more illegals into our country without American citizens, knowing about it - with your money!
  •   The Democrat's Open Borders Plan Explained in Just Two Minutes
    This short video breaks down how the Democratic Party are using the invasion of the southern boarder to cement their permanent one-party rule.
  •   Sheriff Grady Judd Breaks Down Reality of Federally Sanctioned Human Sex Trafficking
    This is a clip of Sheriff Grady Judd of Polk County Florida detailing the truth about what is being done to many of the women who are illegally smuggled into the United States with the full blessings and support of the "oh so loving" Democrats and Rinos in the United States Government.  Sheriff Grady Judd Reveals How US Federal Government Provides UNLIMITED Plane Tickets to ILLEGALS FOR FREE to Any Destination in the US – And Traffics Women in Sex Trade This Way.
  • 85,000 Migrant Children Have Gone Missing From Sponsor Homes
    Thousands of illegal alien children have gone missing from sponsors’ homes in the U.S. after being placed there by the federal government, according to a watchdog investigation.
  • Dublin Has Been Fundamentally Changed as Ireland Loses Its Identity
    A woman from Dublin details the sad story about how mass illegal immigration has utterly destroyed the national identity of her country where hardly anyone in the place she calls home speaks her language. It's Longer Ireland.  It's been wiped out by globalist mass migration policies.
  • Sheriff's Source: 2 Million Terrorists Have Entered U.S.
    There's a new report that charges there might be two million terrorists who have gained access to the United States, and are inside the borders now, as a result of Joe Biden's open borders policies for the nation's security.
  • Dear Denver Mayor: “Screw You”
    The Demoncrats know no shame and have absolutely no moral compass.  They will do and say anything to blame others for the nonstop insanity they have piled onto us all.  The latest talking point is to blame the Republicans for what they have done by opening our borders in an effort to replace the black voters who are leaving the Democrat Plantation in droves.
  •   Human Rights For Rapists?
    Human Rights For Rapists!?  The right of women to live safely & freely should be absolutely guaranteed above rights for migrant rapists.  How many times do we have to hear about an Afghan or Somali rapist who wasn't deported when he should have been & who went on to rape again?
  • John Kennedy Issues Shocking Warning About Threat Of Terrorism Due To State Of U.S. Border
    On the Senate floor, Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) issued an emphatic warning about the state of the border and the entry of terrorists into the U.S.
  • UN Invading America at the Direction of Our Own Government
    This is the New World Order’s Endgame. This powerful report exposes how the corrupt elements that have hijacked the U.S. government are coordinating with the United Nations to bring down America with open borders and endless immigration.
  • Illegal Invaders Overrun Airports to Be Settled Across America Amid Record Border Crossings
    Footage out of Arizona airports showing throngs of illegal aliens overrunning terminals and being loaded up on commercial flights after bypassing normal security protocols has gone viral.
  •   Chinese Invasion Blueprint Exposed - Secret Chinese Staging Hotel Exposed in Colombia with Military-Aged Men Heading to Open US Border
    Muckraker.com released another explosive investigative piece on the illegal invasion of America.  This week Muckraker was in Colombia where he found a hotel packed with Chinese nationals and military-aged men. The hotel in Pasto, Colombia, was packed with Chinese nationals heading to America and eager to cross Joe Biden’s open border.  Muckraker’s Thomas Hicks also exposed the Chinese Blueprint for the invasion of America.
  •   Who Really Benefits From Illegal Immigration? | Victor Davis Hanson
    Victor Davis Hanson explains who are the groups that support illegal immigration, and who really benefits from the open borders policy of the US.
  •   How the US Immigration System Drastically Changed Over Time | Victor Davis Hanson
    Victor Davis Hanson explores the drastic change in the US immigration system, from the early waves of Americanization to the Southern Border Crisis today.
  •   Law and Border Root of the Invasion
    Real America’s Voice (RAV) reporter Ben Bergquam traveled to Panama as part of the series Law & Border: The Root of the Invasion.  Ben and his team expose the devastating consequences that have resulted from Joe Biden’s broken border policies and the Democrats’ abject failure to protect our nation. This administration has rolled out the welcome mat for illegal immigrants, criminals, rapists, and murderers with no concern for what is happening to our nation and no concern for the dangers facing those who make the journey.
  •   Weaponized Migrants: The Transnational Border Crisis
    In this episode of International Reporters Roundtable, we go down to southern Texas and the U.S.–Mexico border, where tens of thousands of migrants from all over the world have been amassing and crossing illegally into the United States, roughly 10,000 per day now, as Title 42 finally expired. The law was enacted to protect the country during the pandemic, which has been declared officially over.  But that’s not the reason for this historic surge of people risking their lives and freedom, becoming debt slaves to the transnational cartels.
  •   Ted Cruz to Mayorkas: The Deaths, Assaults and Rapes of Children at the Border 'Are at Your Feet'
    Mayorkas should at the very least be IMPEACHED if not brought up on serious charges!
  •   Josh Hawley to Mayorkas on Illegal Alien Phone App: You've Turned a Border Wall Into Ticketmaster
    Mayorkas should at the very least be IMPEACHED if not brought up on serious charges!
  •   Tucker on DeSantis Sending Illegal Immigrants to Martha's Vineyard
    Tucker Carlson reacts to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis sending migrants to Martha’s Vineyard on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight.
  •   SHOCKING: Protestors Try To Battle D'Souza Over Trump’s Wall, Fail Miserably
    These Leftist protestors are left speechless when D'Souza proves that walls work and Trump is right.
  •   Dr. Bill Warner PhD: The Islamic Doctrine of Migration
    Dr. Bill Warner discusses political Islam and the role that migration plays as a form of Islamic Jihad.
  •   Illegal Immigration: It's About Power
    Historically, Democrats supported strong borders because they knew American workers could never compete with illegal immigrants. Now, they regularly support “open borders.” So why the drastic change? Tucker Carlson, host of Tucker Carlson Tonight, explains.
  •   A Nation of Immigrants
    The media narrative today is that America has become “xenophobic” and is turning its back on new immigrants. But that narrative is sharply contradicted by the fact that the United States maintains the most generous immigration policies in the world. In this week’s new video, CRTV host and best-selling author Michelle Malkin explains how ill-conceived immigration policies threaten to destroy the American Dream for everyone.
  •   Chuck Schumer, I Agree!’: Trump Trolls Schumer With Old Illegal Immigration Video That Has Gone MEGA VIRAL
    President Donald Trump beautifully trolled Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer on Wednesday when he tweeted out a video of the New York Senator using tough language to describe illegal immigration nearly a decade ago.
  •   What They're NOT Telling You About the Migrant Crisis
    The real reasons Europe is being swamped.
  •   Libs Want To Hide Stark Effects of Mass Immigration
    What has happened in Hazleton, Pa. is happening around the country: Neighborhoods transformed forever, with no public debate. What's interesting is where it's not happening: in the neighborhoods where the people making these decisions live.
  •   Underreported: How Building a Border Wall Changed San Diego
    In 1986, the San Diego border patrol sector accounted for approximately one-third of all apprehensions along the U.S. Mexico border. Today, it accounts for only a small fraction. How did the region go from one
    ofthebusiestsectorsforillegalcrossings, to one of the most secure? The Daily Signal’s Kelsey Harkness visits the U.S.-Mexico border in San Diego to find out.
  •   Former Border Patrol agent Zack Taylor Warns What's Coming
    Zach Taylor is a 27 year veteran Border Patrol agent with supervisory experience. He has testified before Congress as an expert witness on criminal activity in wilderness areas. His message is credible. He accuses the federal government in a cover-up that is deliberately shielding critical information from the public.
  •   Immigration Gum Balls/Immigration By The Numbers
    A very good presentation that makes it easier to understand the consequences of unlimited, uncontrolled immigration.
  •   ENDGAME: Battle For the Republic
    This short video is part of the supplemental features of the movie Endgame.  It highlights the reality of the North American Union and the unbridled flood of illegal immigration that is allowed, by design, by those advancing their global agenda.  A key to accomplishing their goal is to destroy this nation's sovereignty.
  •   Flashback-Sen. Harry Reid: 'No Sane Country' Would Grant Birthright Citizenship
    Iconic Democrat Harry Reid, a Nevada senator in 1993, declared that “no sane country” would grant citizenship to illegal aliens and their children born in the U.S.



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