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FREE Video Library: Black History

: 10 minutes or less.  : 11- 36 minutes.   : Over 36 min. Fun


  •   The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party
    Did you know that the Democratic Party defended slavery, started the Civil War, founded the KKK, and fought against every major civil rights act in U.S. history? Watch as Carol Swain, professor of political science at Vanderbilt University, shares the inconvenient history of the Democratic Party. Donate today to help us reach more people with this video!
  •   Sharika Soal: Black People Can Be Racist And It’s Time For Democrats To Face The Truth
    Yet another black person has committed a hate crime while Democrats in New York and their governor are introducing reparations legislation.  Which should be an insult to every American, especially non-black ones. Where are the Latino reparations? All races were slaves at one point, and still so in African countries.
  •   FLASHBACK: Louisiana Teacher Began Sounding the Alarm About Marxist Trends in our Schools in the 80s and 90s
    This is Ezola Foster.  She was born in Louisiana in 1938 and was a public school teacher for 33 years.  In the 1980s & ’90s she began sounding the alarm about troubling trends in our schools.
  •   Candace Owens Truth Bombs About What The Democrats Have Done to the Black Community
    This is a speech Candace Owens gave at the Trump White House Young Black Leadership Summit back in 2019, a speech that is as true today as it was back then. Candace rips the Democrats a new one when she tells the brutal truth about the damage Democrats have done to the Black community and how important it is for Black people to WAKE THE HELL UP and stop voting for these worthless people who have never delivered on anything but destructive policies designed to keep Black people on the Democrat Plantation.
  •   Inside Black Lives Matter: A BLM Expose
    Ami Horowitz embedded with Black Lives Matter for a year and exposed their true agenda.
  •   Civil Rights Activist Bob Woodson: Low-income Blacks Being 'bamboozled and Hustled and Scammed' by Democrats
    Civil rights activist Bob Woodson, founder of the Woodson Center, ripped Democratic mayors such as Chicago's Lori Lightfoot for blaming Republicans and the status of gun control legislation, among other things, for continued violent unrest in their jurisdictions.
  •   NO. All Black People Don't Think Alike!
    The notion that all Black people hate Trump pushed by the Radical Left is not only incorrect, but it should also be incredibly insulting to all Black Americans.  This young man presents a powerful perspective in his first ever video rant on social media.  BRILLIANT AND COMPELLING!
  •   Black Lives Matter Created by Radical Marxists, Funded by Organizers Convicted of Domestic Terrorism
    While the radical group Black Lives Matter continues to receive support from both Republicans and Democrats, many are unaware of the group’s more sinister origins. One America’s Pearson Sharp has more on the organization’s direct ties to domestic terrorists.
  •   Africans Have Never Built a Major Enduring City in 3,000 Years
    Reverend Manning is a very courageous minister, one who says things that need to be said regardless of the backlash he may face.  For example, he always spoke out very harshly against Barack Obama, calling him a total fraud, a long-legged MacDaddy!  In this talk, he broaches a topic that I've never heard anyone else talk about.  The fact that Africans have never built a major enduring city in 3,000 years.
  •   What The Left Won’t Tell You About the Plight of Black People and the Myth of Systemic Racism
    An incredible compilation of views by many sensible well-spoken and famous black people on the reality of racism as it exists today.
  •   The Candace Owens Show: What Does Black America Want?
    Candace Owens discusses the hot-button issues of the day: reactions to her viral video on Black Lives Matter, Rayshard Brooks, defunding the police, and the state of Black America. You don’t want to miss this.
  •   Black Street Preacher Tells It Like It Is!
    A black female preacher is going viral for explaining why the Democrat party has always been the party of bigotry towards blacks in America since its origin.
  •   Larry Elders - Why Are Black Conservatives Called Uncle Tom?
    Are police actually using deadly force disproportionately against black people? And how does the focus on police overshadow other monumental problems facing black America today? Why is believing that, black lives matter, not the same as supporting the Black Lives Matter organization? And, why are black conservatives often excluded from mainstream public awareness and discourse? In this episode, we sit down again with radio talk show personality and bestselling author Larry Elder, who hosts The Larry Elder Show for The Epoch Times. He is the executive producer of the new documentary “Uncle Tom.”
  •   Burgess Owens - Left Policies Are Destroying The Black Middle Class
    Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report talks to Burgess Owens (Former NFL Player & Candidate for Congress) about racism in the NFL, failing black schools and the dying black middle class. Burgess Owens discusses how liberal and socialist ideas have infected the black education system for decades. These failing schools teach kids to hate free markets, the main factor in creating the wealth and prosperity that Americans have enjoyed. Teaching kids to hate free markets has resulted in low levels of entrepreneurship in the black community. The lower numbers of black businesses leads to a collapsing black middle class. Burgess shares what the black community needs to do to reverse this, support black business, and rebuild the black middle class.
  •   Prager U: ‘Black Lives Matter’ Is Not Helping Blacks
    The evidence is clear: Police brutality is simply not the biggest issue facing blacks in America, yet this is all that ‘Black Lives Matter’ activists seem to care about. Black lives do matter—and they deserve the truth about the REAL issues facing black Americans. What are these issues, and how can they be solved? Derryck Green of Project 21 joins Will Witt to discuss.
  •   Niger Innis: BLM ‘Not a Damn Thing to do With Saving Black Lives
    The national spokesperson for the Congress of Racial Equality tore into the Black Lives Matter movement and exposed “some hard truths” about the group’s agenda.  Conservative activist Niger Innis warned Fox News host Laura Ingraham that the organization  “would overthrow Western civilization,” reminding viewers in a fiery interview about the history and goals of the Black Lives Matter movement.
  •   Black Lives Matter is a Fake Civil Rights Group
    Constitutional lawyer Robert Barnes, will provide the latest updates on the ongoing riots wreaking havoc around the country, the government’s handling of the situation and much more. Also, President Trump recently declared Antifa a terrorist organization, but what about Black Lives Matter?
  •   PragerU - Candace Owens and Ben Carson - Black Americans Are Waking Up, and They're Leaving the Left!
    Black Americans are waking up, and they're leaving the Left!
  •   Candace Owens: Dems Using White Supremacy Issue to Scare Blacks into Voting for Them
    Conservative commentator and Blexit leader Candace Owens testified in Congress Friday at a hearing on confronting violent white supremacy, telling a House Oversight and Government Reform subcommittee that Democrats are using the issue of white supremacy to scare blacks into voting for the Democrat Party.
  •   Shelby Steele On Blacks Not Catching Up
    Shelby Steele (born January 1, 1946) is an African American author, columnist, documentary filmmaker, and a Robert J. and Marion E. Oster Senior Fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution. He specializes in the study of race relations, multiculturalism, and affirmative action. In this clip, he talks about the state of blacks in America.
  •   Blacks in Power Don't Empower Blacks
    Between 1970 and 2012, the number of black elected officials rose from fewer than 1,500 to more than 10,000. How has this affected the black community? Jason Riley of The Manhattan Institute answers the question in this video.

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