FREE Video Library: Mind Control/Social Engineering
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WEF Officially Announces Plan For Global Mind Control All Screens To Surveil Slave Populations
WEF Officially Announces Plan For Global Mind Control. All Screens To Surveil Slave PopulationsGoogle Whistleblower Exposes Plot To Rig 2024 Elections, Trace Everything You Do
Renowned author & researcher Dr. Robert Epstein joined The Alex Jones Show Friday to break exclusive intel on how Google is rigging the 2024 election. Watch & share to learn how globalists are using Big Tech to steal elections & control your mind!Sonic Mind Control on US Citizens
A subcommittee for Homeland Security recently talked with experts who revealed the federal government is lying about “Havana Syndrome” and related technologies.‘The Battle for Your Brain’: Creepy WEF Video Shows How Globalists Plan To Use AI Mind Control
This is an eerie presentation lays out how globalists want to use emerging technologies to map out brainwaves to manipulate behavior.Yuri Bezmenov - The Four Stages of Ideological Subversion (1984)
According to Bezmenov, ideological subversion is a covert strategy used by the KGB and other Soviet agencies to undermine and ultimately overthrow Western governments by spreading propaganda and disinformation.Out of the Shadows
Out of Shadows is a documentary that lifts the mask on how the mainstream media and Hollywood manipulate and control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their content.Trauma Based Mind Control
In Trauma Based Mind Control, trauma is used to hack into the mind and body’s defense systems in order to train a person’s behavior. This is accomplished in three steps: 1) The victims identity is destroyed, 2) The Victim is then imprinted with a new identity, 3) through the continued use of trauma, the rebuilding of the victim’s new self is crafted and maintained however the mind controller chooses.Company Claims Its Virtual Girlfriends Are the ‘Future of AI Romantic Companionship’
Digi, a new AI-powered chatbot and avatar system, is attempting to redefine the landscape of digital companionship and romantic interaction with AI “girlfriends.” In a trend that will leave young American men even more isolated, the company claims its technology is the “future of AI romantic companionship.”Revealing the Method - Esoteric Symbolism as Mind Control
This is a spoken essay (audio only) exploring the possible motivations for the subversive use of esoteric symbolism by an occult-obsessed elite. Featuring such concepts as esoteric transmission, archetypal transference, sigils, mockery of the victim, revelation of the method, and manufactured consent. Created with insight from the works of Michael Hoffman, Michael Tsarion, 1stageofawareness, Mark Passio, James Corbett, James Perloff, Musicistwowords Mu, and Neil Kramer.Corbett Report - Breaking Free from Mass Formation With Mattias Desmet
Mattias Desmet is a Professor of Clinical Psychology at Ghent University in Belgium. His theory of mass formation during the coronavirus crisis has become widely known and widely misunderstood since gaining mainstream attention. His new book, The Psychology of Totalitarianism, lays out what mass formation is, how it develops, how it leads to totalitarianism, and what we must do to change the conditions that makes these mass formation events possible.MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL
In this video we are going to explore the most dangerous of all psychic epidemics, the mass psychosis. A mass psychosis is an epidemic of madness and it occurs when a large portion of a society loses touch with reality and descends into delusions. Such a phenomenon is not a thing of fiction. Two examples of mass psychoses are the American and European witch hunts 16th and 17th centuries and the rise of totalitarianism in the 20th century. This video will aim to answer questions surrounding mass psychosis: What is it? How does is start? Has it happened before? Are we experiencing one right now? And if so, how can the stages of a mass psychosis be reversed?Renowned Propaganda Expert Piers Robinson-Worst is Still to Come in Global Psy-op if People Do Not Rise Up and Resist
“Covid-19 is probably one of the biggest propaganda operations we’ve seen in history because of the global nature and the resources put into it,” Robinson said. “It was pretty clear from the beginning that propaganda was being employed.”Messing With Your Head: Government’s Psychological War Against Nations Explained by Brian Gerrish
A presentation by Brian Garrish in which he gave evidence to the 54th session of the Stiftung Corona Ausschuss, the German-based extraparliamentary inquiry by lawyers into the medical establishment’s and public policymakers’ handling of the Covid crisis internationally.Amazing Polly Puts Mindless & Dangerous Mask Compliance Into Shocking Perspective!
IT'S SHOCKING TO SEE HOW EASILY WE CAN BE CONTROLLED! If you want a future for yourself or your children, stop wearing the masks! Polly shows a few experiments that have been done on social conformity. It's astounding to see how people conform with minimal amounts of peer pressure. Polly rightly expands this kind of conformity onto the so-called scientific community that has been corrupted by the force of "group consensus." You have to stand on your own two feet and not cave to the pressure of what everyone else is doing. It's too important.How To Brainwash A Nation
This amazing interview was done back in 1985 with a former KGB agent who was trained in subversion techniques. He explains the 4 basic steps to socially engineering entire generations into thinking and behaving the way those in power want them to. It's shocking because our nation has been transformed in the exact same way, following the exact same steps.Control the Words, Control the Culture
The culture war is first and foremost a war of words - and the left is winning. The consequences can be seen everywhere: in politics, in education, in media. In this video, Michael Knowles, host of the Michael Knowles Show, explains why we should not cede another syllable.Most People Don't Even Realize What's Coming
Will you get lost in the Fourth Industrial Revolution? Most people I asked don't even know what that is, but it's happening all around us right now. This system is about technological evolution... evolving us.Predictive Programming and the Human Microchipping Agenda
Predictive Programming and the Human Microchipping Agenda confirms the reality of the microchip agenda, and shows that the weapon of propaganda has been used against the public for decades in order to familiarize us with the idea of being chipped.Brian Gerrish - The State of the Nation
This is an incredible presentation by Brian Gerrish, a former British Navy Officer, who ended up stumbling into discovering an insidious organization in Europe called "Common Purpose." This organization was set up by the global control freaks in order to establish a parallel governmental system that has covertly taken over just about everything through deliberate social programming through mind manipulation techniques like "neural linguistic programming. While this presentation is given in the UK, and presents events that have happened in the UK, THE EXACT SAME THING IS HAPPENING IN THE U.S.!Turning of the Tide - Breaking Free of Social Conditioning and Those That Impose It On Us
If you want to understand why we are a nation of sheep and how to break out of the social conditioning that has been deliberately imposed on all of us to manipulate us into accepting a social structure devised by those with the most wealth and power, then this is the best couple hours you will ever spend. This presentation covers what we all end up doing because of this social conditioning, who the people are that are engineering it and what we can do to stop them and the consequences of a total tyrannical world that is already on our doorsteps.1984 by George Orwell
This classic film is sadly no longer an imagined vision. It is rapidly becoming the reality of nations all over this world of ours as the global elite use all their wealth and power and technology to make this vision of society a reality, where the few control every aspect of life.Who Controls Our Children
This lecture will open your eyes to the degree to which the "powers-that-be" have been allowed to take over our entire educational system to socially engineer entire generations of our children. This video exposes the degree to which our population has been deliberately "dumbed down" in order to create a more manageable population.Jordan Peterson Delivers Workplace Red Pill
This is a very good analysis of an interview Jordan Peterson did with Vice about the dynamic between men and women in the workplace and how ridiculous social justice values have moved from the college campuses into every aspect of life including the workplace.Proof of How Mind Control Techniques Are Used And How It Works On Us All
Many discount the reality of mind control being used on us. Watch this video of Derren Brown exposing how subliminal advertising works. After watching this . . . I'm sure you'll no longer find it as difficult to imagine it's being used to great affect by our government and the main stream media to get us all to go along with what they wish.