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Importing Islam Means Importing Violence



In February 2024, Norway’s public broadcaster NRK reported that rape centers all over Norway record more rape victims seeking aid. In the city of Oslo, the number has increased by 70 per cent in ten years.[1] Many of these rape cases are said to be very serious.

What does NRK suggest is the reason for this massive increase in rapes? Porn. The channel published an article about rapes in which immigration was not mentioned as a possible explanation. This despite a proven link between immigration and rape that exists in neighboring Sweden as well as other countries.

This is simply not credible.[2] It is misleading propaganda.

Norwegians are forced to pay billions of kroner annually to the country’s largest media company, which is actively trying to obfuscate why an increasing number of Norwegians are exposed to violent abuse in their own country.

The mass immigration that established mass media, including the state broadcaster, has supported for decades imports violent crime. This is a demonstrable fact.

NRK also reports in 2024 that so-called honor crimes, forced marriages and threats of honor killings have become part of everyday life all over Norway, not just in major cities.[3]

Forced marriages and honor killings were extremely rare phenomena in Scandinavia fifty years ago, if they existed at all. Muslims from Syria, Iraq, Pakistan, and Somalia top the statistics for these crimes. The current problem is therefore overwhelmingly due to immigration.

In multiple Western countries, serious violence continues spreading as society becomes more ethnically diverse and multicultural. Women and men of all ages may be affected by violent crime in the streets, at schools, in public transport, or elsewhere.

My first significant, public text about Islam was published in Norwegian under my real name — Peder Jensen — in the national newspaper VG in August of 2003. At that time I had just moved to Oslo after studying and working for a couple of years in the Middle East.[4]

The driving force behind my career as a writer was a desire to warn against the great danger I saw from importing Islam to Europe.

I did not foresee that I would end up in exile from Norway because some of my texts about Islam or immigration were quoted without my consent by a mentally disturbed and probably insane man I have never met. Yet that’s how reality turned out.

In the past twenty years I have written at least as much about Sweden as about Norway, at least in English. Sweden is the most populous of the Nordic countries and has the most extreme mass immigration.

When I started writing about Islam and immigration a generation ago, I was accused of spreading “extreme right-wing conspiracy theories.” During this time, Sweden has become one of the most dangerous countries in Europe.

Swedes currently experience bombs, shootings, and extremely violent gang crime several times a week. The once-peaceful country has become a society that experts say is producing child soldiers, comparable to what is otherwise found in brutal war zones.[5]

Personally, I would claim to have given more correct descriptions and predictions of the spread of violence in Sweden in the past twenty years than virtually all my critics. Unfortunately, I must point this out myself, as hardly any of my critics will be honest enough to admit this.

In 2013 I was awarded a regular grant for my planned book about the July 22 terror case from the notable free speech organization Fritt Ord. This created an absurdly heated debate in Norway. My yet unfinished book was discussed in the Stoltenberg government by, among others, Minister of Culture HadiaTajik from the Labor Party.[6]

Snorre Valen, the parliamentary representative for the then-governing Socialist Left Party (SV), claimed in an article in national broadcaster NRK that the grant for my book “is a mockery of all those who were killed and injured. It is an insult to all the relatives, to everyone who lost someone on July 22, 2011.”[7]

Interestingly, no journalist has subsequently pointed out a single factual mistake in my Norwegian-language book Vitne til vanvidd. The entire national press corps has had years of checking for errors, without finding any.

At least 95% of the people who participated in the extremely heated debate about my Norwegian book about the July 22 case have not commented on that book with a single word, years after it was published.

The first text I ever published under my pen name Fjordman, for which I became known, was on my old blog on February 20, 2005. This text was about rapes in Sweden, and partly in Norway.[8]

Yet again, my claim about a link between immigration and rape turned out to be correct.

In several European countries, immigrants with a background from countries in the Islamic world and Africa are greatly overrepresented in many types of crime, including rape. This can be documented.[9]

In 2018, the Swedish state broadcaster SVT investigated all men convicted of rape and attempted rape in Sweden in the previous five years. 58 percent of the perpetrators at that time were born abroad.[10] These findings were also reported in other media, including the British state broadcaster BBC.[11]

It should be noted that many second- or third-generation immigrants with an ethnic background from the Middle East often display a behavior comparable to individuals who were born in that region. If you add everyone with a family background from the Islamic world or Africa, the ethnic rape statistics will probably prove to be even worse.

Historical experience indicates that having many ethnic groups living in the same territory often creates serious conflicts. If you add Islam to this explosive mix, violent conflict is virtually guaranteed.

Large-scale immigration from the Middle East will eventually make our cities begin to resemble the Middle East. This is already happening. We are now witnessing the negative results of extremely harmful immigration policies.

Importing Islam means importing violence. Some people did warn against this outcome.

In every country in Western Europe, some individuals publicly expressed their concern about negative consequences of mass immigration in general and Muslim immigration in particular. Many of them paid a personal price for telling the truth about such issues.

In Norway, one should mention the politician Carl I. Hagen from the Progress Party. He has warned against problems from immigration since the late 1970s and was harassed for this by the political Left and the mass media.

Several writers in Norway also warned against Islamization. These include Hege Storhaug, Hans Rustad, Bruce Bawer, Walid al-Kubaisi and myself, among others.

When some future author writes the sad history of our age, he will not be able to truthfully claim that people had received no warnings about the coming dangers. Several dire warnings had been issued. They were simply not listened to by the rulers.


1.   www.nrk.no/stor-oslo/kraftig-okning-i-voldtektstall_-_-ofre-har-rett-og-slett-vaert-redde-for-a-do-1.16753853 Kraftig økning i voldtektstall: — Ofre har rett og slett vært redde for å dø. 7. feb 2024.
2.   www.document.no/2024/02/10/nei-nrk-porno-er-ikke-arsaken-til-den-kraftige-okningen-i-voldtektstallene/ Nei, NRK. Porno er ikke årsaken til den kraftige økningen i voldtektstallene. Elisabeth Rooney, 10.02.2024.
3.   www.nrk.no/dokumentar/rekordhoye-tall-pa-aereskriminalitet-1.16728035 Rekordhøye tall på æreskriminalitet. 24. jan 2024.
4.   www.vg.no/nyheter/innenriks/i/8nqwA/peder-jensens-foerste-leserinnlegg-i-vg Peder Jensens første leserinnlegg i VG. Islam og det åpne samfunn, 21. august 2003.
5.   www.svt.se/nyheter/inrikes/experten-unga-rekryteras-till-gang-pa-samma-satt-som-barnsoldater Experten: Unga rekryteras till gäng på samma sätt som barnsoldater. 14 sept 2023.
6.   www.vg.no/nyheter/meninger/i/7e2b4/kommentar-vaar-demokratiske-beredskap MeningerKommentar: Vår demokratiske beredskap. 25. jun 2013.
7.   www.nrk.no/ytring/belonning-til-ekstremismen-1.11081545 Belønning til ekstremismen. 14. jun 2013.
8.   fjordman.blogspot.com/2005/02/muslim-rape-epidemic-in-sweden-and.html Muslim Rape Epidemic in Sweden and Norway — Authorities Look the Other Way. February 20, 2005.
9.   rmx.news/migration/foreigners-convicted-of-nearly-half-of-all-rapes-and-murders-in-switzerland-last-year/ Foreigners convicted of nearly half of all rapes and murders in Switzerland last year. November 03, 2023.
10.   www.svt.se/nyheter/granskning/ug/ny-kartlaggning-av-valdtaktsdomar-58-procent-av-de-domda-fodda-utomlands Ny kartläggning av våldtäktsdomar: 58 procent av de dömda födda utomlands. 22 aug 2018. www.svt.se/nyheter/granskning/ug/ulf-johansson-darfor-gor-vi-granskningen-domda-for-valdtakt Uppdrag gransknings ansvarige utgivare: Därför granskar vi våldtäkter och etnicitet. 22 aug 2018.
11.   www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-45269764 Sweden rape: Most convicted attackers foreign-born, says TV. 22 August 2018.
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