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A Fully Indexed Page With Just Election Fraud Articles & Videos
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Video: Tim Walz - Don't Worry . . . He's Cuddly?

The Democrats don't have any candidates that don't have horrible, provable histories so they try to erase those histories through their control of media manufacturing totally fictional characters they think they can sell (con enough people into believing). They wasted no time sending out ridiculous fake talking points to whitewash the Communist Nightmare that is Tim Walz.




UPDATES:  Yet more Tampon Tim's Scandals


He Gave Somali Scammers Hundreds of Millions of Dollars



Gov. Tim Walz signed a massive omnibus bill at the end of the last Minnesota legislative session that violated the state constitution’s Single Subject law.  Republican state senator Mark Johnson said, “A bill that covers taxes, housing, health care, commerce, higher education, and many other items, is not a single-subject bill, no matter how you interpret the Constitution.”

  • The Fall of Minnesota - Learn the truth about the Death of George Floyd and what happened to Minnesota under Tampon Tim's Watch.
  • Small Business Owner Was Thrown in Jail for 90 Days for Violating Tampon Tim's Lockdown Orders



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