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Communist Takeover Series: Tactic #1 — Divide the Population



Freedom-loving Americans have lived without the in-your-face Communist foe, the Soviet Union, for 33 years, so many may be completely unaware of the tactics of Communism and how it spreads and takes over a country.  Those tactics were on display on the nightly news during the Soviet era.  Whether it’s Soviet-style Communism or Maoist Communism that took root in China in 1949, Communism’s tactics follow a pattern.  Communism is a world movement without borders with a goal of bringing the entire world under its yoke.   

This series is designed to be quickly digested by American readers who may have little time to read but are interested in knowing the truth. An outline of Communist tactics will be presented, one at a time, with historic examples followed by present-day examples found in U.S. politics.   

Marxist ideology is the foundation of all variants of Communism, and it is outlined in the Communist Manifesto, written in 1848 by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.     

Our first tactic of focus is to Divide The Population. 

Marx described society in terms of classes and sought to pit one class against another to create discord among the population.  The goal was to create chaos and anarchy to collapse the present societal structure and government.  The hope was to destroy businesses by getting the workers to riot or strike against the owners of the businesses.  Once accomplished, chaos would develop and the collapsing business and its assets (means of production) could be seized by the Communists.  The unrest would leave the existing government ripe for takeover as well.  The lie here is the Communists would turn the businesses over to the exploited workers to run, but in reality, the elites of the Communist Party seize the businesses and overthrow government.  The exploited workers simply have a new master – the new Communist Party.   

How do the Communists stir unrest among the classes?

Communist leaders typically tell one class of people that another class of people is exploiting them.  Or they convince the population that one class of people is at fault for all that is wrong in the country.  Hitler, whose party was the National Socialist German Workers Party (we know it as the Nazi Party) was a Marxist.  He used the tactic of Divide The Population with the Jews starting in 1933 when he became Chancellor.  He told the German people Jews were inferior and at fault for all that Germans had suffered in World War I and the hyperinflation that followed in the 1920s.  He claimed Jews exploited Germans and cheated them.  At the same time, Hitler convinced Germans they were superior to all races.  He demonized Jews and led the general population to see them as less than human.  He then lied to the Jews, offering to protect them, first by moving them out of their homes to “safe” ghettos (seizing their personal property and businesses in the process).  He later moved them to “cultural centers” where he promised they would be safer and could practice their religion in peace. Buying these lies and promises of safety led Jews into slavery and ultimately to the gas chambers of the concentration camps when they became incapable of working as a slave.  An estimated 6 million Jews died under Hitler’s rule.   

Mao, the leader who introduced China to Communism, used a similar tactic to kill all the educated people who may pose a threat to his rule.  College professors and journalists were gathered up and publicly beaten and killed as traitors to the Communist Revolution.  Mao destroyed books, just as Hitler had, to erase any history of ideas that may challenge his rule or remind people of what China once was.  He called this a Cultural Revolution.  It is estimated 65 million people died under Mao’s rule.      

In Cambodia, a similar reign of terror played out.  Communist leader Pol Pot seized power and convinced children they were superior Communists to their parents.  He encouraged them to report their parents if they voiced any opposition to him.  This breaks down the family unit. Children were applauded as true revolutionaries and encouraged to suffocate their arrested parents by placing a plastic bag over their heads.  Half of the population of the country died under Pol Pot’s rule – 2.8 million people. 

In all three historical cases, the first step of the ruler was to disarm the population to eliminate their ability to defend themselves. 

In U.S. politics today, Democrats paint their Republican opponents as Fascists and Nazis, call them a cult, and deride the Make America Great Again (MAGA) movement as domestic terrorists.  As proof, enter the term Fascist in a search engine and you will see Trump’s name pop up repeatedly.  The Biden-Harris regime has used its Department of Justice to investigate, charge, and sentence anyone who opposes them politically, whether that is a concerned parent at a school board meeting, a minister handing out pro-life literature at an abortion clinic, or a retired veteran marching with a million other citizens on January 6th, 2021.  At every opportunity, the Democrats attempt to disarm Americans.  They fuel racial division in our country and have favored certain factions of society (LBGTQ+, et al) over the general population.   

Look at women’s sports.  The government has encouraged transgender athletes, effectively erasing the efforts and accomplishments of women and dismantling the work of Title IX.   

The starkest example of “divide the population” under the Biden administration was the demonization of the Unvaccinated and Unmasked and use of vaccine passports to deny access to a portion of the population.  Many Americans felt emboldened to treat the unvaccinated and unmasked as less than human, even displaying a willingness to attack or kill them over their decision to exercise freedom of choice.  Biden stocked these coals.  That was the closest we’ve come as a nation to replicating the purpose behind the Nazi mandate for Jews to wear the Star of David on their clothes – to identify a class of people against whom the government supports violence.                

Our Founders knew tyranny first-hand from abuses under British rule.  They studied the history of countries where tyranny led to collapse.  They knew the most likely threat to any citizen’s well-being in any country is not an invading foreign army, but the citizen’s government turning against them to enslave them.  This is why they included the Second Amendment in the Constitution, so we could defend against a tyrannical, out-of-control government.  They included the First Amendment rights of freedom of assembly, freedom of press, and freedom of speech so we could effectively communicate to prevent an abusive government before violence becomes the only means to protect against tyranny and maintain freedom. 

Be on guard against anyone employing the Divide The Population tactic – it’s Communism, pure and simple.  And as you’ve seen from history, millions die when Communism seizes power.


Communist Takeover Tactic #2 - Attack and Abolish Private Property

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