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This One-Two Punch Knocks The Fangs Out Of EVERY J6 ‘Insurrection’ Narrative

We already knew it was bogus. Now our evidence got a WHOLE lot stronger



It’s been a rough week for the ‘threat to democracy’ crowd. Not only is evidence coming that exonerates Trump himself… it’s coming at a time when all indications are pointing guilt in the direction of the swamp.

This is a story with two parts.

First is another layer of evidence showing Trump did everything but lead troops by the hand to protect the Capitol that day. Second is a layer that further deepens the cloud of suspicion on people whose job is supposed to be in service of protecting the American taxpayer and property built in its name.

First: Trump exonerated

Much to the chagrin of the J6 Commission people who did everything they could to turn this entire process into a kangaroo court hellbent on felonizing Donald Trump, the evidence that DOES surface keeps coming up in his favor.

As if the documentary evidence of Trump authorizing the guard shouldn’t already be enough… we’ve got evidence of subordinates directly disobeying those instructions for reasons that are difficult to defend with any innocent explanation beyond the flimsy ‘bad optics’ excuse that’s been floated so far.

Maybe it had something to do with that ‘white rage’ Milley was droning on about.

What the IG report said about the reasons the National Guard was delayed by three hours despite being stationed in full gear only 2 miles away has been disproven by mounds of evidence to the contrary. They were ready to go… and it was a deliberate decision from the Pentagon NOT to send in the National Guard on January 6th.

For failures like this — that destroyed the lives of so many American citizens — how perfect would the poetic justice be if Milley found himself stripped of rank and pension for insubordination that had DIRECT CAUSAL IMPACT on the chaos of J6… especially if it turns out there’s truth in the claims he was working with China to unlawfully insert himself into the chain of command for the nuclear option.

Second: Deep state implicated

Bongino ties two different stories together here. He’s now ready to say he’s convinced that there are too many ‘coincidences’ and missing/destroyed evidence to claim there is not malevolent intent by someone on the inside. So far as the pipe bomb part of this story goes, he’s convinced it’s an inside job.

There is another video with GOOD footage (not the grainy slow frame rate stuff the FBI is dishing us) of some person planting the pipe bomb.

Why did the DNC have footage that the FBI did not?

In the segment after this clip, he goes into this week’s Congressional testimony. The witness gets asked a direct question on with no wiggle room. After clarifying that proper protocol is followed for all informants, the witness was asked a direct question about how many people the FBI reimbursed for travel relating to the events of January 6, 2021 itself. His non-answer made it clear that the correct answer to this question was a number (not yet known) larger than zero.

Whether that number was one — or a thousand — makes no difference. We’ve been pressing the FBI for a long time to come clean on whether they had assets (formal or informal) involved in the event itself. This is the first time we’ve had an admission that could provide a trail of breadcrumbs that brings us to more substantive answers.

It’s about freaking time.


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