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DC Swamp Releases $1.2 Trillion Spending Bill with Over 1,000 Pages While America Sleeps

House Has Only Less Than 24 Hours to Review


The U.S. House of Representatives is scheduled to vote on a colossal $1.2 trillion spending package less than 24 hours after its release. The bill, spanning over 1,000 pages, was made public in the early hours of Thursday morning, at a time when most Americans were not awake to scrutinize its contents.

The release of the omnibus bill follows the House’s passage of a $460 billion package earlier this month, aimed at funding key federal agencies through the end of the budget year.

Negotiations on a second, substantial package that includes defense spending are underway, with leaders from both chambers under pressure to fully fund all federal agencies by the March 22 deadline.

Jake Sherman, the founder of Punchbowl News, reported on Wednesday that “Senior aides involved in the crafting of the government funding deal indicate that the text could slip to Thursday. However, Speaker Johnson and Senate Democratic leadership are pushing hard for a vote by Friday.”

The contents of the second spending package, revealed during the early hours of Thursday at 2:32 am, have sparked fierce criticism.

Senator Rick Scott (R-FL) echoed the call for increased transparency, “Congress must be more transparent with the American people. The $1 TRILLION bill that dropped at 3AM contains 1,400 earmarks and spans over 1,000 pages. There was no need for this bill to be under lock & key until today. We must overhaul this flawed process and bring fiscal sanity to Washington NOW.”

Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) criticized the bill for its bloated spending and lack of oversight, “With less than 24 hrs to review — the #SwampOmnibus — 1000+ pages & $1.2 Trillion — shatters spending caps to fund the WHO, woke DOD policies, a weaponized FBI headquarters, & utterly fails to address Progressive Democrats’ mass release of criminals across our borders. No Republican should vote for it.”

Rep. Andrew Clyde (R-GA) also denounced the process, saying, “Washington is beyond broken. The Swamp has released its second spending package — a 1,012-page tome that allocates $1.2 trillion of taxpayer dollars to catastrophic policies.”

Rep. Clyde took to social media to detail the consequences of the rushed omnibus bill, stating, “The Swamp’s second spending package is finally out. Follow along for all the policy wins that were SURRENDERED during backroom negotiations.”

“Surrendered: Prohibiting DHS funds from being used to damage or remove President Trump’s border wall.”

“Surrendered: Defunding Biden’s CBP One App, which is being used to funnel millions of illegal aliens into our country.”

“Surrendered: Prohibiting DHS funds from being used to diminish current immigrant law that allows ICE to work with state and local law enforcement agencies to identify and remove illegal aliens.”

“Surrendered: Prohibiting DHS funds from being used to implement memos containing disastrous open border policies.”

“Surrendered: Requiring Secretary Mayorkas to prioritize ICE funds to detain illegal aliens & ensure illegal aliens on the non-detained docket are enrolled in the ATD program with GPS monitoring.”

“Surrendered: Defunding the Biden Administration’s radical asylum rule.”

“Surrendered: Prohibiting ICE funds from being used to pay for or perform abortions.”


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“Surrendered: Prohibiting DHS funds from being used to administer hormones or transgender surgeries to illegal aliens in ICE custody.”

“Surrendered: Defunding DHS’ DEI executive orders & CRT initiatives.”

“Surrendered: Prohibiting DHS funds from being used to support a Disinformation Governance Board or any entity engaged in censorship.”

“Surrendered: Defunding DHS’ government-by-proxy censorship.”

“Surrendered: Defunding DHS’ ongoing efforts to transport illegal aliens into the U.S.”

“Surrendered: Defunding DHS policies that severely limit Border Patrol agents’ ability to chase illegal aliens.”

“Surrendered: Prohibiting DHS funds from being used to purchase or operate drones manufactured by the CCP or other adversaries.”

“Surrendered: Prohibiting DHS funds from being used to issue employment authorization documents to illegal aliens.”

“Surrendered: Prohibiting DHS from reallocating border wall funds for other purposes.”

“Surrendered: Prohibiting DHS funds from being used to amend the U.S. Oath of Allegiance.”

“Surrendered: Blocking a COVID-19 vaccine mandate for DHS employees.”

“Surrendered: Defunding DHS’ asylum rule.”

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