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Another Country Announces it Will Require Citizens to Accept Biometric Digital IDs



The momentum continues to build for a global digitalized system that will be the final control grid — marking, tracking and monitoring the movement of all things, living and non-living.

Another country, Nepal, has just announced it will submit to the global beast system and digitally mark all of its citizens starting at birth.

I’ve reported on similar moves in many other countries including Australia, the E.U., Ghana, and China, all characterized by a biometric digital ID. The United Nations itself is organizing a global effort to digitally register all births worldwide.

Now, the government of Nepal will require the digital identity of its citizens as it starts assigning them digital ID numbers at birth. This is the so-called “birth registration” that I’ve been warning about for years as it was included in the United Nations Agenda 2030 document signed in 2015 by more than 190 heads of state, including Barack Obama, as part of its “sustainable development goals.” I knew early on that the “legal identity” and “birth registration” required by the UN system would be digital, even though the word “digital” did not appear in the original document.

As reported by the Nepal newspaper, The Kathmandu Post, the Department of National ID and Civil Registration has started issuing digital numbers to pave the way for wider adoption of the national digital identity cards.

Nepal’s national ID is a federal identity card issued by the Department of National ID and Civil Registration with a unique number assigned to each person when their birth is registered by the state. Nepali citizens will obtain the cards based on their biometric and demographic data. The card features a unique number, photo, personal information and the bearer’s fingerprints.

The department claims that the biometric “smart card” will have several uses and that officials can read it using secure terminals.

Mukesh Kumar Keshar, the director at Nepal’s Department of National ID and Civil Registration, said:

“We have been informally providing national ID numbers to people at their birth registration across the country for the past two months. Such numbers are being given to around 2,000 people a day. When a person’s identity is created from early childhood, it will be easier for such persons to get government documents, including the national ID.”

Goal 16.9 of the UN Agenda 2030 calls for a “legal identity for all, including birth registration, by 2030.” The UN says on its website the digital registration of all persons “is key to advance the 2030 Agenda commitment to leave no one behind.”

Let that sink in. They are telling us that, according to their vision, no person on planet Earth will be left behind, meaning all will be required to participate in the beast system. They will be numbered, and have their movement and behaviors tracked and monitored 24/7. This will be so they can track and assess your carbon footprint, among other things.

Nepal will formally launch its digital identity program within a few weeks.

Along with the initiative, the government plans to speed up the national ID card distribution.

The government issued the national ID card in 2018. In November that year, then-home minister Ram Thapa launched the distribution of national identity cards in Panchthar district. It was done as part of a pilot program funded by the Asian Development Bank to distribute digital identification cards in the eastern district.

These things always start with a pilot program, then get made permanent, then get mandated.

It’s only a matter of time until the United States rolls out a similar digital ID plan. In fact, a bill has already been introduced in the US Senate to do exactly that. Interesting how no politician, including Donald Trump, talks about this.



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