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DNC Platform Admits a Kamala Harris Presidency Would Be Biden’s Second Term



The Democrat Party’s platform unveiled Sunday night offers an endorsement of President Joe Biden’s “second term” a month after the White House incumbent was pushed out of the contest for re-election.

The 91-page platform, released on the eve of the party’s nominating convention in Chicago, includes more than a dozen references to Biden’s “second term” despite the 81-year-old commander-in-chief retiring from the race in mid-July.

“In President Biden’s second term,” the official platform reads, “he will push Congress to pass legislation that is consistent with our values as a nation.”

By Thursday night, however, President Biden will be in California on a vacation with family while Vice President Kamala Harris formally accepts the party’s nomination.

The one-term president was pushed out of the November race this summer after a catastrophic debate performance in June when Biden’s cognitive decline was on clear display through the prime-time broadcast. The lame-duck president is scheduled to address the Democrats’ convention Monday night before flying off to the West Coast where he will remain the rest of the week.

“The Dems Are Delighted,” wrote New York Times opinion writer Maureen Dowd last weekend, “But a Coup Is Still a Coup.”

“We head to Chicago on a wave of euphoria, exuberance, exultation, excitement and even, you might say, ecstasy,” Dowd reported. But she added that “top Democrats are bristling with resentments even as they are about to try to put on a united front at the United Center in the Windy City.”

Harris, meanwhile, has yet to hold a press conference since becoming the party’s presumptive nominee four weeks ago, when President Biden quickly endorsed his No. 2 as his replacement. And with limited access to the press, Harris has campaigned with virtually no platform of her own beyond copying Republican plans to eliminate taxes on tips and expanding child tax credits.

On Friday, the vice president unveiled an economic strategy leaning on Soviet-style price controls to rein in high prices while introducing $1.7 trillion of inflationary handouts.

“Together, we will build what I call an opportunity economy,” Harris said at a campaign stop in North Carolina, while highlighting prices at grocery stores — prices that have risen sharply under her own White House tenure.

The series of economic proposals provoked an image shared online by former President Donald Trump; the image mocked Harris as a communist accepting the nomination in Chicago under the Soviet hammer and sickle.

Trump charged Harris with having gone “full communist,” giving her the new nickname “Comrade Kamala” in a campaign speech on Saturday.

“What they are doing is a communist takeover of our country,” Trump said in Pennsylvania.

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