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Video: 126 Nations Meet to Discuss Ditching The US Dollar as well as WEF-like Agendas



126 countries have met at BRICS‘ VI International Municipal Forum (IMF) in Moscow August 27-28 to discuss numerous topics including the abandonment of international trade in the U.S. fiat debt-backed dollar in favor of a BRICS commodity-backed currency.

BRICS is an acronym for Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – the founding member states of the intergovernmental organization. Since its inception in 2009 numerous other member states have joined.

Despite currency only being discussed in one of the events, listed on page 42 of the program schedule, it does list notable information which is beyond important for those living in The West.

“In fact, new emerging economic unions need to reproduce on their own basis all those services that were previously provided through the international platforms of global players and countries issuing reserve currencies. It is necessary to provide other integral instruments of global trade – arbitration, certification, insurance,” the program schedule said on page 42.

The text also referenced the hurdles (and likely reasons) for this financial agenda.

“Despite the massive efforts required, solving these problems has direct economic meaning, expanding the possibilities of mutual investment and trade and removing the restrictions imposed by payments in reserve currencies, lack of trade financing, and sanctions,” the program schedule said on page 42.

Notable, is the term ‘reserve currencies’, as the U.S. dollar is the world reserve currency.


This position allows the U.S. to export much of it’s inflation generated via money printing, due to foreign countries that trade internationally needing to buy treasury notes (the debt instrument issued by the U.S. government upon dollar printing by the Federal Reserve) to get back dollars they then use for international trade.

Once foreign countries no longer need the dollar for trade, their purchasing of treasury notes will cease, bringing the glut of dollar printing inflation back home.

The forum’s program schedule listed numerous other topics of discussion which appear similar to what is commonly discussed at the World Economic Forum (WEF), such as:

  • the growing role of megacities and their investment attractiveness
  • digital transformation in the education systems of megalopolises
  • sustainable development and ESG (environmental, social governance) principles
  • future energy
  • artificial intelligence
  • smart city initiatives
  • healthcare
  • education and science
  • industry and technology
  • transport and logistics
  • youth opportunities
  • information technology (IT)
  • culture, sports and tourism

Russian/Indian relations appear to be at an all time high, something noteworthy due to India’s massive population.

Turkey was in attendance as well, noteworthy due to the nation’s membership in The West’s North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) which is currently fighting Russia in Ukraine.

Iran is expected to participate in the main BRICS summit October 22-24 in Kazan, Russia.

“Our countries’ cooperation is not only economically significant but also strategically essential. We are committed to implementing the Iranian Pavilion project at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum and to Iran’s participation as a guest country in this major business event,” Kazem Jalali, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the Russian Federation said in a statement on a BRICS press release Thursday. “This form of cooperation, along with the organization of a Russia–Iran business dialogue, will reinforce the agreements previously reached, including those within BRICS, and establish new benchmarks for the progressive development of the full spectrum of Russian-Iranian relations, establishing direct contacts with representatives of Russian business and government.”

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