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ABC Clearly Gave Kamala Harris All the Questions in Advance.



Clearly only 2 things happened before last night’s presidential debate…

Either Kamala’s best friends who run ABC gave her all the questions in advance of the debate…

Or Team Kamala gave the questions they wanted asked to ABC.

I told President Trump the exact same thing last night, right after the debate. What happened last night wasn’t normal. More importantly, Kamala’s debate performance wasn’t possible- not without a lot of help from her friends

First, I want to tell a little story. Democrats, the Deep State, DC Swamp and mainstream media all want you to believe President Trump is a bad guy, a nasty guy, an evil guy. I know him well. That is the biggest lie and scam ever told. I’ve met and interviewed pretty much every conservative star and Republican politician in America through my national TV and radio shows.

President Donald J. Trump is the nicest, most thoughtful, class act, of all of them.

Last night in the middle of my debate party at my home, with my wife and friends standing around me, 10 minutes after the debate ended, my phone rang, and it was President Trump.

I took the phone call in front of my friends. It was quite a moment. In all of America, out of 330 million people, I may be the only one who got a post-debate call from the 45th President of the United States. He wanted to hear what I thought about the debate. I gave him my honest answer. The same one I’m about to share with you.

I told him he won- because no matter how negative the questions, no matter how vicious and biased the moderators, no matter how hateful Kamala was…in the end, all that matters, all that will resonate…are the four issues most middle class Americans care about…

And you won on those four issues all night long: the economy, inflation, crime and the open border disaster.

That’s it. That’s all that matters. And you won on those four issues. Most Americans are with you. All the rest is B.S. and will be forgotten.

And I was proven right this morning when the most accurate pollster in America (by a mile), Patrick Basham of The Democracy Institute, released his post-debate poll. Trump won 45% to 34%, with 21% saying it was a draw. See:


Exactly what I thought. Trump won because he hit a homerun on the only four issues that matter to most Americans.


He did not win a landslide. He did not put the race away last night. It was not the knockout punch we all wanted. Exactly what I told President Trump in the moments after the debate.

Not because of anything he did. Trump was fine. He always wins- at least with the audience that matters- the American middle class.

But Kamala got the questions in advance.

You’d have to be blind, deaf, dumb or delusional not to see that. Because Kamala performed so perfectly in every response, it was like she knew the questions for a week, and rehearsed and memorized a scripted response to each and every one of them.

That’s because she did.

Her best friends run ABC. We all know what happened. She wasn’t just good last night, she was too good. Too good to be true. And when something looks too good to be true, it always is.

Kamala is as dumb as a doorknob. Perhaps the worst speaker I’ve ever seen at the highest levels of American politics. The worst in history. We’ve all watched her clueless “word salads” and stupid cackling responses for four years.

She’s so bad that only two weeks before Biden resigned from the race and she was handed the nomination without one vote, a top Biden fundraiser told a crowd, “Joe Biden in a coma, or even dead, is a better candidate than Kamala alive.”

She’s so bad that she has been placed in the government witness protection program for 7 weeks since she got the job. Not one press conference. Only one friendly interview- and she was terrible at that. She is not allowed to speak, for good reason.

Yet last night she had the perfect answer for every question. Flawless. Like they opened her brain and inserted Obama’s brain.

How is that possible?

If you listen or watch only Trump’s responses, he was excellent. He did well enough to win a decisive victory.

But now listen or watch only Kamala responses. She always had the perfect answer, or comeback. How is that possible, if she is so incompetent that Biden ignored her for four years, 92% of her staff quit, and now her own campaign team has placed her in witness protection?

The answer is, it’s not possible. She knew the questions in advance. Every one of them. And rehearsed the perfect scripted answers for 7 straight days.

Or she had a microphone in her earring and Obama was reading her the perfect answers all night.

Now we add in the rigged ABC moderators. Every question was designed to hurt Trump and help Kamala. They threw grenades at him all night, and lobbed softballs at her. 3 against one- and all three had a week to prepare!

They fact checked him. Everything she said was a lie. Yet no fact checks. Nothing. And the disruptions! Every time Trump tried to respond to Kamala’s lies, they interrupted him to change the topic.

This debate was rigged- just like the 2020 election.

And then we get to the questions. 100% rigged. ABC just happened to ask questions that were winners for Kamala.

Abortion, January 6th, whether 2020 was stolen, what is Kamala’s race, climate change and Obamacare. ABC made sure the debate was fought on her strongest ground. Talk about home field advantage!

Why no questions to Kamala about…

*Who is really running the country?

*Why did you lie to the American people about Biden’s deteriorating mental health?

*Inflation is killing American families. It was close to -0- when you took over. What did you do wrong?

*Why do you support giving citizenship to every illegal alien and free healthcare to all of them, while taking away private healthcare from American citizens?

*Do you feel responsible for all the women and children murdered by illegal aliens you and Biden welcomed into our country?

*Do you see Venezuelan prison gangs taking over entire blocks of U.S. cities?

*Why do you support letting transgender illegal aliens into our country, and asking US taxpayers to pay for their sex change operations?

*Why are you and Biden against free speech? Why do you order censorship of conservatives and critics?

*You say you support women’s rights, so why do you want boys to play women’s sports, and take away scholarships from girls?

*You say Trump incited an insurrection, but didn’t you do exactly that by egging on BLM rioters, and trying to raise money to bail out BLM criminals, rioters, looters and torchers?

Where were those questions? I have a hundred more that put her on the defensive, instead of asking about abortion and January 6th.

Folks, the debate was rigged. That’s exactly what I told President Trump minutes after it ended.

My advice for President Trump for the next debate…

Demand both sides see all the questions in advance. Demand five questions that are tough on her (chosen by your team) and five that are tough on you (chosen by her team). Don’t do it if they won’t agree to those two demands. That’s the only way to guarantee she won’t be the only one to see the questions in advance, and all of the questions won’t favor her.

My closing statement to President Trump: You won. But it should have been a knockout that ended the election. They rigged it, to keep it close, to keep her in it. Now they’ll try to steal it five days after Election Day.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Watch Wayne’s new TV Show, “The ROOT Reaction” weeknights at 10 PM ET/7 PM Pacific on Real America’s Voice TV, and Wayne’s weekend “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Saturdays at Noon ET/9 AM PT on Real America’s Voice TV. Watch at RealAmericasVoice.com, or at Rumble, Roku, Pluto, Apple, Dish TV Ch 219, or go to RootforAmerica.com to watch.



If you don't believe Harris was given the questions in advance
watch this Post-Debate solo interview.



Sept. 15 - ABC Moderator Linsey Davis Admits: ‘Fact-checking’ Was Only Planned for Trump
Sept. 15 - ABC Whistleblower Affidavit Drops and YES, It Really Is a Bombshell if True

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