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A Fully Indexed Page With Just Medical/Pandemic Fraud Articles & Videos

Video: Dr. Paul Alexander : The Silenced Jab Injured Are Committing Suicide

Dr. Paul Alexander supported the Canadian Trucker protest and continues to advocate for freedom and warn against the dangers of the jab -especially now for pregnant women and babies. He is sounding the alarm that not only side effects are injuring and killing people, but the cover-up is leaving the injured so defeated many are now taking their own lives.

Paul Elias Alexander, Ph.D. is a global expert on COVID-19. Alexander holds master's level study at York University Canada, a master's in epidemiology at the University of Toronto, a master's in evidence-based medicine at Oxford and a doctorate in evidence-based medicine and research methods from McMaster University in Canada. He also served as former senior advisor to COVID pandemic policy in Health and Human Services in the Trump administration.



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