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Video: ‘RIGGED’: Judge Overseeing Infowars Case Orders Hearing into How the Onion ‘Won’ the Auction


The Onion allegedly purchased Infowars in a bankruptcy auction on Thursday with plans to turn it into a satire website — but the judge overseeing the case has ordered a hearing into how the satire website won.

The legal team representing Jones has alleged that the auction was rigged at the last minute to allow The Onion to win — despite a seven-figure bid from Infowars allies.

The winning bid amount has not been publicly disclosed and bidders had to sign nondisclosure agreements.

According to a report from NPR, the company would not necessarily go to the highest bidder.

“Whoever wins the auction might not necessarily be the highest bidder. The U.S. trustee has broad discretion to ‘determine the highest or otherwise best bid or bids’ [emphasis added] according to the auction firms Tranzon Asset Advisors and ThreeSixty Asset Advisors,” the report explains.

In a video posted to X on Thursday afternoon, Jones said, “This morning, the Connecticut Democrats with The Onion newspaper bought us.”

Jones said his allies who attempted to buy the brand asked if they were outbid.

“They said, ‘Well, it was competitive,'” Jones said. “So, they changed all the bidding rules and made it secret two days ago. I had a bad feeling, I told you that.”

The Infowars founder said they would file injunctions to try and stop the takeover. He also promised not to leave the studio until he was forced to.

“I’m going to be here until they come in here and turn the lights off,” Jones said, promising to ask them for a court order.

According to a report from the Associated Press, the purchase was done with “help” from the families of Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting victims. Jones owes them $1 billion in damages after being sued for defamation over former claims that the massacre was a hoax.

Jones has since apologized for the speculation.

The conservative icon has said he will challenge the purchase in court and launched the Alex Jones Network, which you can follow on X here.

Alex Jones provided an update later Thursday.

Alex Jones said the judge is investigating.

This is a breaking news story. The Gateway Pundit will be continuing to provide updates as the situation unfolds.



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