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The State Sanctioned Kidnapping Industry: How CPS and Its Allies Profit from Destroying Families

CPS profits from family separation, turning child welfare into a billion-dollar industry where courts,
agencies, and service providers cash in on every removal. It’s a racket that must end.



Child Protective Services (CPS) and its various counterparts—such as the Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF), the Department of Family Services (DFS), the Department of Children and Families (DCF), and other similarly named agencies—operate under the guise of protecting children. In reality, these agencies have become an industry unto themselves, profiting off the removal of children and the destruction of families. Every child taken from their home represents a payday for the state, foster care agencies, court-mandated service providers, and an entire network of professionals whose financial survival depends on keeping the system running.

Most people don’t realize that removing children from their homes is not just an act of state intervention—it’s a multi-billion-dollar industry. Under the Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997, states receive federal Title IV-E funding for every child placed in foster care. The more children removed, the more money the state gets. States even receive bonus payments for finalized adoptions, creating an incentive to permanently sever parental rights rather than reunite families.

CPS doesn’t operate alone in this racket. The moment a child is taken, a network of court-mandated services kicks into gear, forcing parents to pay exorbitant fees for programs they are required to complete before they can even hope to regain custody of their child.

These include parenting classes, which families are forced to attend and which are expensive, often ineffective courses, regardless of whether parenting skills were ever an issue. Also included are anger management programs. Even if there’s no history of violence or abuse, parents are often ordered into these classes, which they must pay for out of pocket. Supervised visitation centers where parents who want to see their own children are frequently required to do so under supervision at a private facility that charges by the hour. And court-ordered therapy, where parents are forced into therapy, often with state-approved providers who have financial incentives to keep cases open. All of which gets very expensive very quickly.

Judges, attorneys, social workers, therapists, and foster care agencies all make money off keeping children in the system. The longer a case drags on, the more everyone profits—except the families being destroyed in the process.

In the United States, the number of children entering foster care annually has been steadily on the rise over the past several decades. By the end of 1987, an estimated 285,000 children were in foster care, increasing to approximately 323,000 by the end of 1988. Numbers increased in the 1990s, from 400,000 in 1990 to 568,000 in 1999. In recent years, it’s only gotten worse as approximately 606,031 children passed through the U.S. foster care system over the course of the year.

This trend does not indicate a rise in child abuse but rather an increase in government overreach.

Let’s be crystal clear: CPS and family courts are not in the business of protecting children. They are in the business of taking children—because that’s where the money is.

Mandatory reporters, acting under fear of liability, flood CPS with baseless reports, ensnaring innocent families in a system designed to keep them trapped. Once CPS gets involved, they are not incentivized to clear you. They are incentivized to keep you in their grasp.

Because every child they remove from a home is money in the bank.

Parents thrown into this corrupt machine have no real due process. CPS operates under civil law, which means there is no jury trial. There is no presumption of innocence. The “preponderance of evidence” standard (a mere 51% certainty) is used to rip children from their homes. Judges rubber-stamp whatever CPS recommends. Lawyers refuse to challenge unconstitutional statutes, telling parents to “just comply.”

Once a child is placed into foster care, the financial exploitation doesn’t stop. Foster parents receive government stipends per child, but many of the real profits go to private foster care agencies that receive thousands of dollars per child per month. Group homes and residential treatment centers make even more, often billing the government at insane rates while providing substandard care.

On top of that, children in state custody are frequently overmedicated, as psychiatric drugs become the go-to solution for “behavioral problems”—problems that, in many cases, stem from the trauma of being forcibly removed from their families. Pharmaceutical companies also benefit from this cycle, making millions by turning wards of the state into lifelong patients.

It’s past time to ask, who really benefits from all this? Follow the money, and you’ll see that CPS is not about protecting children—it’s about funding a vast, government-backed business. Family courts operate in secrecy, shielded from public scrutiny, while the professionals inside them profit from prolonged legal battles, forced compliance programs, and state-sanctioned child trafficking under the name of “protection.”

It’s time to end the financial incentives behind family separation and expose CPS for what it is—a predatory industry disguised as child welfare.

This isn’t justice. It’s a racket.

And it’s state-sanctioned child trafficking.

This has to stop.

CPS and family courts have turned into an industry of destruction, feeding off the lives of parents and children for profit. This isn’t about protecting kids—it’s about keeping the money flowing.

And it has to end.

The American Made Foundation and the United Law Coalition are preparing to go after these agencies, these judges, and the corrupt lawyers.

The message is clear: “You are not above the law. You will not continue to violate families’ rights without consequence. You will be exposed and held accountable.”

Justice is coming.

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