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Biden Admin Denies Dangers of Popular US Hiking Trail ‘As Radioactive As Chernobyl’

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An expert is warning the plutonium levels near New Mexico’s popular hiking trail Acid Canyon in Los Alamos are at levels similar to empty cities surrounding Chernobyl, a Ukrainian nuclear power plant that erupted and sent toxic waste into the surrounding area in 1986.

The park is nearby the former location of the American government’s development and testing grounds for nuclear weapons in the 1940s Manhattan Project.

Professor emeritus at Northern Arizona University, biochemist Michael Ketterer, did a study in July examining soils and sediments that contained alarming levels of plutonium.

“I’ve never seen anything quite like it in the United States,” Ketterer said of his findings. “This is one of the most shocking things I’ve ever stumbled across in my life.”

The biochemist’s alarming claims have led to an increase in calls for signs to be posted warning hikers of potential radiation exposure.

“It’s just an extreme example of very high concentrations of plutonium in soils and sediments,” he said. “It’s hiding in plain sight.”

The contamination found reportedly exceeded the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) safety threshold by over 72 percent, but the Biden administration’s Department of Energy maintains the current levels of radioactivity are safe for humans.

Instead of addressing the issue, the Department of Defense earlier this month revealed it will be increasing plutonium core production at Los Alamos for nuclear weapons purposes.

This is just more confirmation that the U.S. government does not care about the health of its citizens.


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