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Audio: David Adair Says He Designed Fusion Rocket Engine Like One Found at Area 51



Before he was a teenager, David Adair was fascinated with jet propulsion. By the time he was 11 he had built his first rocket, and at the age of 17 he supposedly pioneered a new type of engine that used neither liquid nor solid jet fuel – it used electromagnetic fusion. From that point on, he says he caught the eye of government agents, but not just any agents… top brass, Area 51-clearance-level agents.

Adair was a child prodigy when it came to astrophysics and rocket science, voraciously reading through all of the relevant literature he could find at his local library. According to his story, when a local librarian noticed he was correcting the flawed data in astrophysics texts, she was amazed and ordered him hundreds more.

Adair became enamored with space travel, designing rocket propulsion systems with cryogenic fluids. Eventually this led to his creation of a new type of system that had never before been created, the electromagnetic fusion containment engine. With this engine, he says, his rocket could propel from zero to 8,654 mph in just over four seconds.


Riveting In-depth Interview on the Art Bell Show (1997)
Duration: 2:46:55

Adair was awarded “Most Outstanding in the Field of Engineering” by the U.S. Air Force and was featured in local papers. He says that, upon receiving that award, he started accepting federal funding from the Department of Education’s National Science Foundation, thanks to Congressman John Ashbrook.

At this point, his mother became intimidated by the amount of attention he was receiving from different military agencies, until she was assuaged by General Curtis LeMay, who would inevitably prove to be a fortuitous relationship for Adair. Several years later, he says he was recruited by the Navy to design mechanisms for changing jet turbine engines.

But after his rocket design at the age of 17, Adair says he was brought to White Sands Missile Testing Facility in southern New Mexico to test launch his rocket. He was told to launch it at a dried-up lake bed of specific coordinates in Nevada.  That lake bed, known as Groom Lake, happened to be at an undisclosed military base, now known as Area 51. Adair’s launch went off without a hitch, landing at the Nevada test site with parachutes deployed and ready to be reused and launched almost immediately, according to him – Elon Musk would have been jealous.

David Adair

Adair claims he was then flown directly to the Groom Lake base, where he was met by black-suited, government agents and shown to an underground facility where a rocket engine of similar nature was kept. The rocket was unlike anything he had ever seen and appeared to be punctured. He said he wondered why the Air Force was asking him to repair an engine they had designed, which was far superior to his own.

But upon further inspection, he quickly understood it to be of alien origin and claims that it was actually a living organism that could only be controlled telepathically. When he started asking questions, the government agents knew that he was not as naïve as they assumed.

A Sinister Intent

Adair claims that one of the agents he met at Area 51 was the infamous, former Nazi rocket scientist Arthur Rudolph. He also notes that there was an intention to use his rocket as a tool for implementing a first strike, during the Cold War. Also involved in this military conspiracy was General LeMay, who had helped Adair attain the funding to build his rocket.

He was known as a war monger with an incredibly hawkish military strategy. He believed in the idea that, in nuclear warfare, a successful strike would have to be capable of killing an entire nation, otherwise there would be mutually assured destruction. LeMay built out the Strategic Air Command program so that it would be capable of dropping 80 percent of its arsenal at once.

To avoid mutually assured destruction, the military needed first strike capability. So, according to Adair, LeMay was interested in the incredible speed that could be achieved by his fusion-contained propulsion system.

Adair says that upon realizing the military’s intent, he had to somehow sabotage his rocket so that it couldn’t be used as a vehicle for a nuclear warhead. Thinking quickly on his feet and using some cunning ingenuity, Adair says he collected graphite grease to cause a chemical reaction with deuterium, an isotope necessary for fusion reactions that was contained in the rocket’s inner workings.

This tactic worked, setting off a massive explosion. According to Adair, this upset Rudolph, who threatened to imprison him at the base for the rest of his life, forcing him to remain there and continue working, while telling his family that he had died in a horrible accident. General LeMay came to his rescue however, and allowed him to return home. Adair said that Rudolph had very little authority due to his Nazi history.

David Adair newspaper clip

There are plenty of pictures and newspaper articles seeming to corroborate Adair’s achievements and awards from the Air Force, but why hasn’t he continued to develop this technology? He supposedly headed a company that developed similar technologies under the name Intersect, Inc., but the company is now either defunct or wiped from the internet.

His current website is devoted to telling this story and includes photographic evidence that seems to substantiate his history of being involved in aeronautics programs and military enrollment. He also has documentation of his correspondence with Congress, regarding the acquisition of an old Titan rocket, although it doesn’t say whether he was granted its use or not. Adair has also mentioned that he attempted, at one point, to testify before Congress regarding his Area 51 experience.

Stories from whistleblowers and those who claim to have been granted access to Area 51 are often bizarre, outlandish and unbelievable, so what, if anything, can be derived from this story and others like it? While the validity of Adair’s story remains in the realm of debate, it can be assumed that if there is any truth behind it, the government would likely try to distort or cover-up anything it wants to keep classified.

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