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Woke Boy Scouts Org. Drops ‘Boy’ & Rebrands As ‘Scouting America’



After over 100 years of helping American boys become disciplined and self-sufficient young men, the Boy Scouts of America organization is officially rebranding itself as the gender-neutral “Scouting America.”

The group is hoping to become more “inclusive” by changing its name as it moves to bring in a younger generation that is more likely to be triggered by the masculine term “boy.”

Scouting America CEO Roger Krone said in a recent statement he hopes the name change “sends a really strong message to everyone in America that they can come to this program, they can bring their authentic self. They can be who they are and they will be welcomed here.”

Arguing with people who prefer the name “Boy Scouts,” Krone said, “Membership is at historic lows,” and claimed his job as CEO is to “reduce all the barriers” he can for people to join the organization.

Trending Politics co-owner Collin Rugg pointed out, “South Park strikes again,” in an X post highlighting a clip from the cartoon where a scout leader is a homosexual.

We’re witnessing 114 years of tradition going down the drain in the name of the politically correct Marxist language police.

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