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A Fully Indexed Page With Just Election Fraud Articles & Videos
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A geneoloical deep dive by Candace Owens

Editor's Note:  There LITERALLY is nothing genuine about Kamala Harris!  What kind of person do you have to be to deliberately manufacture a totally false racial identity just to try and con black voters into supporting you?  What does this say about the Democratic Party and the Mainstream media that wholeheartedly aided and abetted yet another massive hoax on the American people?


Candace Ownes: "I think I found Kamala's real family." Candace Owens takes a deep dive into Kamala Harris's actual genealogy. Surprise, surprise, it's not what we've been told. So far, it's a real eye-popper! It is now an indisputable fact that Kamala Harris is of Indian/Irish decent.  SHE IS NOT BLACK IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM!  It seems we're undergoing a similar cover-up to the one done to hide who Barrack Hussein Obama really was/is (aka Barry Soetoro). I swear, everything the Left does is steeped in deception. They can't seem to do anything genuine.



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This is part 2 of a Candace Owens deep dive into the genealogy of Kamala Harris in which she has documented evidence that Harris IS NOT BLACK! In this segment, Candace presents even more crystal clear proof of this ridiculous fraud being perpetrated by the Democrats and Harris just to try and influence "the black vote."

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This series from Candace Owens about who Kamala Harris really is should outrage EVERYONE regardless of race or political orientation.  Democrats should be especially outraged that the Democratic Party would perpetrate such a fraud on them!  Harris is such a massive fraud it's mind-numbingly sickening.  

These are the latest revelations Candace Owens has uncovered about the deliberate gaslighting of the American people about the totally false narrative that Kamala Harris is black.  In this episode, Candace exposes deliberate lies enshrined in the Harris book "The Truths We Hold" one being the misrepresentation of supposed black relatives that turn out to be nothing but friends to her mother and not related to her in any way shape, or form.

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Get ready for the latest revelations coming out of Candace Owen's deep dive into Kamala Harris's "real family" background. This episode features the testimony of someone who personally knew Kamala Harris's grandmother, Miss Beryl and categorically says the photos in Harris's book are NOT of Miss Beryl. She also states that Harris's grandmother had a very fair complexion, like someone who was Irish and emphasized how similar Kamala looked like her grandmother. In other words, SHE DIDN'T LOOK BLACK IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM!


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So far Candace Owens has shown us evidence that proves Kamala Harris has deliberately colluded with the powers that be to fabricate the perception that she is black in order to con black voters into voting for her. Candace has provided proof that Kamala has absolutely NO BLACK FAMILY MEMBERS IN HER GENEOLOGICAL HISTORY! Her "real" lineage is Indian, Irish, and you're not going to believe the latest discovery of who's in her "real" family lineage.


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