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Video: Globalist ‘Overpopulation’ Myth: True Threat Is Population Collapse!

Mankind must breed more, not less. Social engineers continue falsely telling people they're a cancer on the Earth.



Former mainstream news anchor John Stossel posted a video report on Sunday warning against New World Order overpopulation lies and revealing the bigger threat to humanity is a population collapse.

The StosselTV production focused on a recent “60 Minutes” interview with longtime overpopulation fearmonger Paul Ehrlich, who wrote the book The Population Bomb back in 1968.

Stossel pointed out “60 Minutes” didn’t call out Ehrlich for his repeated inaccurate predictions related to overpopulation and climate change.

Instead of dismissing current predictions made by Ehrlich due to his poor track record, the mainstream media continues to promote him.

Touching on the media’s affinity for promoting fear, HumanProgress.org founder Marian Tupy said, “If you sell the apocalypse, people feel that you are deep and that you care. But, if you sell rational optimism, you sound uncaring.”

Tupy and Stossel also discussed the fact that Ehrlich has previously supported eugenicist concepts such as adding sterility drugs to the food supply.

“Paul Ehrlich always sees human beings as a problem, destroyers rather than creators. He thinks human beings are no different than rats or rabbits,” said Tupy.


The pair argued against the elitist narrative that more humans on Earth would destroy the planet due to excessive consumption and pollution.

“We use stuff, but we also grow stuff,” Tupy noted, with Stossel adding that innovations in “farming, transportation, genetic engineering” and other fields will help humanity preserve Mother Nature.

Meanwhile, the fearmongering promoted by global leaders is resulting in many young people being too afraid to have their own children.

X owner Elon Musk recently warned humanity, “The biggest problem the world will face in 20 years is population collapse.”

Stossel explained, “Fewer women have babies today, but we need young people to provide the innovation that will solve the Earth’s problems. If fewer people have babies, the child who might grow up to cure cancer or develop a miracle battery may never be born.”

More and more people are waking up to the eugenicist agenda of the world’s ruling class as their nightmarish scheme is now officially in action.

Infowars and other alternative outlets have been ringing the alarm bells FOR YEARS regarding the potential “Children of Men” scenario where all mankind eventually becomes infertile.

Elon Musk responded to the Stossel video on X, writing, “I agree!”

Alex Jones also commented, writing, “This report reposted by Elon Musk is beyond critical. I will be breaking it down and taking the public’s knowledge to the next level today at 11 AM central right here on X. Elon Musk We can and we will defeat the death cult and take humanity to the next level.”


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