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Continental Gaslighting: EU Releases Alarming Report - Europe Is Too 'White' and 'European'

You just can't make this stuff up!



The European populist movement and its recent successes, combined with the increasing intransigence and outright hostility of the Central Eastern European block (CEE) countries to dictates and threats from Brussels, must have really struck a nerve with the overlords of the European Union.


Scrambling for an explanation of what, to them, seemed to be a sudden rebellion in the formerly malleable peasant ranks, the ruling class decided to task the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) with the production of a document explaining the unwelcome phenomena.


The report, which dropped yesterday, is an astounding masterpiece of projection and natural gas. Europe's problems, the ECFR concludes, have nothing to do with the sacrosanct status of the European Union and their dictatorial, authoritarian wielding of power. 

In point of fact, part of the problem - the disconnect, as the report moans - is what the authors attribute as the main drivers of populism and dissatisfaction with the European collective. These are mistakenly driving innocent young people away from appreciating the glory of continental unification aka EUROPEANISM.


Of course, it's nothing Brussels has done. It's all because of too much "white" and too much of the national identity stuff.

Can't have any of that in our hive. 

The European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) has published a report warning of the danger that “whiteness” and “Europeanness” pose to the European Union.

Titled Welcome to Barbieland: European sentiment in the year of wars and elections, the September 25 report discussed how many people have become “visibly disillusioned with the European project” in a way that has surprised those supportive of the bloc.

Rather than citing economic or energy issues faced by the EU, the report blamed, among other things, how “white” the MEPs elected by EU citizens are following the 2024 European Parliament elections in June.

"Barbieland." Oh, too cute by half, the resentful little Napoleans, but supposedly a nod to Barbie finding out her home was not the Utopia she thought it was.

The report's answer to regaining the halcyon days of peace, love, and happy collective Europeanisming across the continent is to eschew any sort of nationalist identity completely while embracing the vast numbers of migrants still flooding across those once-recognized individual borders.

The population of a member nation must put forth the effort to assimilate with the newcomers - Vulcan mind meld, if you will - vice expecting the newcomers to assimilate into what used to be a myriad of different EUROPEAN cultures.

 The ECFR finds the truculent attitudes of the CEE members particularly annoying.

The health of democracy inside the EU is being undermined by several blind spots of European political leaders, comprising the EU’s “whiteness”, a subdued European sentiment in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), and evidence that Europe’s youth show signs of being unconvinced by the bloc today, according to a report published Wednesday by the European Council of Foreign relations.

...In a section headed “Beyond ‘western’ Europe”, the report’s authors note that CEE populists seized on the 2015 refugee crisis to argue that their countries were not inferior to the West, a feeling they had laboured under since accession, but were in fact superior “because they had not lost their cultural identities to multiculturalism”, while the 2022 invasion of Ukraine by Russia proved they were right all along about Vladimir Putin.

“[N]ot only might many people and governments in Central and Eastern Europe feel vindicated, but they may now also claim the right to moral leadership in the EU,” the report says.

The danger from this, the report posits, is that CEE citizens are in danger of drifting even further towards “an ‘ethnic’ understanding of Europeanness”.

As evidence, the report cites the fact only CEE governments have expressed opposition to implementing obligatory relocations that form part of the EU’s new migration pact, while Czechs, Slovenians and Bulgarians are among the EU societies most likely to nominate immigration as one of the top two most important issues facing the EU.

It just goads the crap out of Brussels that however much they throw their weight around and threaten to withhold funds from CEE countries over adherence to EU immigration diktats, the Eastern bloc won't play along politely.

With what the report suggests as cure-alls, it's not likely to improve.

...“In most countries, non-white and Muslim people were underrepresented in candidate lists … no more than 20 non-white MEPs were elected this year – less than 3 per cent of the total, and well below the 10 per cent share that racial and ethnic minorities are estimated to account for in the EU population,” the report stated.

Such “whiteness”, it continued, served to leave Muslims and other individuals with migrant backgrounds feeling “alienated”.

The report went on to say that the decision of many Europeans to vote for more right-leaning parties had exacerbated such feelings of alienation, arguing that some parties in Europe ran on the platform of deporting large swathes of the non-white population.

...“Worse still, parts of the European political mainstream (especially among centre-right and liberal parties) certainly appeared to embrace elements of a xenophobic view of the world – as reflected in the EU’s new migration and asylum pact, adopted in April, or in political proposals to send refugees to third countries, both of which raised major human-rights questions.”

Overall, the ECFR warned that there was a public “drift” towards understanding “Europeanness” in ethnic terms, rather than in a “civic” way it viewed as more constructive.

Such a drift, it added, was becoming more common amongst the EU’s youngest voters, further arguing that this same drift may stop more liberal-leaning young people from supporting Brussels in the future.

There it is in a nutshell. All the "xenophobes" may stop younger voters from "supporting Brussels in the future."

That's the crux of this entire exercise. Nothing about their insane environmental policies, nothing about what their lunatic renewable energy mandates have done to Europe's standard of living, nothing about the inflationary pressures of the regulatory state, nothing about losing a national identity or one's country to an influx of completely foreign and often adversarial cultures.

It's all too much white, too much right-wing xenophobia, too much "Western civilization/values," and not enough embracement of the unfriendly foreign flood that is destroying your own millennia-old cultures.

I think the arrogant overlords, who have yet to read a room correctly, have just taken another step toward their own dissolution.

The future is not EUROPEANISM"Isms" are imposed - not built, grown, refined, beloved, and fought to the death to protect.

As a wise woman just said, "The West is a system of values..."

Brussels elites are watching their cake melt in the authoritarian acid rain of their -ism dreams. 

I believe, to their eternal shock, they will find themselves ill-equipped to stop the icing from running off the plate.

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