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A Fully Indexed Page With Just Medical/Pandemic Fraud Articles & Videos

Video: Fauci in the Hot Seat as Emails Reveal His Lies

Story at-a-glance

  • Dr. Anthony Fauci — whose expertise has been held as indisputable by mainstream media since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic — is now facing mounting scrutiny and critique as correspondence obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request reveals he’s lied both to the public and the U.S. Senate on a number of issues
  • Emails show Fauci supported the kind of dangerous research that likely created the COVID-19 pandemic, and that he helped cover up the lab origin theory
  • Fauci, until very recently, exclusively promoted the natural origin theory. We now find he assisted in the creation of a paper in Nature Medicine that came to underpin the entire natural origin theory, all while being informed of the fact that there were indications the virus had engineered features
  • The FOIA documents also show Fauci has lied about masks being an effective form of protection
  • Fauci has also failed to acknowledge that natural immunity is acquired when you recover from COVID-19, which makes vaccination completely unnecessary, and has yet to oppose recommendations to vaccinate recovered COVID-19 patients even though they’re immune and appear to be more prone to vaccine damage

Saint Anthony's halo is tarnishing and hanging more crooked by the day. Dr. Anthony Fauci — whose medical expertise has been held as indisputable by mainstream media since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic — is now facing mounting scrutiny and critique as correspondence obtained through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by Buzzfeed reveals he's lied both to the public and the U.S. Senate on a number of issues.

The emails were released to the public in the early-morning hours of June 2, 2021. All 3,234 pages of emails can be found on Document Cloud.1 News media pounced on the release, with each reporter offering their own spin on what the fallout of the emails might be.

In the video below, "The Next Revolution" host Steve Hilton details how Fauci and National Institute of Health director Dr. Francis Collins have both repeatedly lied about the origins of SARS-CoV-2.

'Utter Fraudulence'


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