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Video: ICYMI: Denver Health Medical Staff Receives First Live Ebola Vaccine that “Sheds” for the First Time in History


Dr. Richard Bartlett and Jon Fleetwood join Alex Jones live via Skype
to break down how Bill Gates secret ebola vaccine program is now out in the open,
and they expose how Americans are being infected and shedding the virus.


From the FDA package insert:

“Shedding of vaccine virus into the urine or saliva was evaluated in 359 participants enrolled in 8 clinical studies who were vaccinated with ERVEBO or lower dose formulations. Vaccine virus RNA was detected by RT-PCR in the urine or saliva of some participants at timepoints ranging from Day 1 through Day 14 postvaccination. In the 3 studies that assessed shedding at Day 28, no samples tested positive. In Study 6, 31.7% (19/60) of participants 12 months through 17 years of age enrolled in a substudy shed vaccine virus in saliva following vaccination. Viral shedding was greatest on Day 7 and declined thereafter, with no shedding detected after Day 28. Vaccine virus RNA was detected by RT-PCR in vesicular fluid samples from some participants. In one participant, a sample collected 20 days after vaccination tested positive for vaccine virus RNA by RTPCR.”

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