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Video: Geriatric Practice Reports That COVID Vaccines Increased Mortality by Nearly 5X


Executive summary

The COVID vaccines were supposed to reduce the risk of infection by 5X and reduce deaths from COVID by 10X. That’s what we were told by the CDC:

Monitoring Incidence of COVID-19 Cases, Hospitalizations, and Deaths, by  Vaccination Status — 13 U.S. Jurisdictions, April 4–July 17, 2021 | MMWR

Claim on the CDC website. I’m not making this up. Click the image.

OK, so if that is true, then how is it possible that nobody can give me the name of a medical practice anywhere in the world that actually experienced statistics that were anywhere close to that?

Even more troubling is how can I easily find a medical practice where the all-cause death rate increased by 5X (vs. a promised 10X risk reduction of a COVID death)?

If the CDC was telling the truth, the chance of my finding such a practice would be 4.6e-18.

Poisson distributions never lie. So that means the CDC is lying.


Deanna Kline, RN, MSN, AGNP has been with a geriatric medical practice in the US for over 7 years (size ~1,000 patients). The practice has been in existence for 39 years.

Prior to 2021, all-cause deaths per year ranged between 7 to 10 people.

In 2020, the height of COVID, there were just 7 deaths!

In 2021, there were 13 deaths.

In 2022, there were 36 deaths.

In 2023, there were 48 deaths.

That’s nearly a 5X increase in all-cause deaths.

Deanna attributes the huge increases to the COVID vaccine.

Around 75% of the elderly in the practice were vaccinated. She observed that the vaccinated had uniformly higher mortality and morbidity.

There was NO reduction in COVID cases in the vaccinated; if anything, they were more likely to be sick; exactly the opposite of what we were told.

In addition, she noticed six cases of RSV in the elderly where normally there would be zero cases. All 6 cases recently received the COVID booster shot. Coincidence? Unlikely.

Also, the vaccinated were more likely to suffer from long COVID compared to the unvaccinated.

Bottom line: No benefits observed. Only downsides.

Based on her experience at the clinic, Deanna doesn't recommend the COVID vaccine for anyone.

For more information, she wrote a book detailing what she saw and it’s available on Amazon:


Where are the success stories?

I am still trying to find a clinic where the results were consistent with the CDC statistics, but there appear to be no "success stories." Zero. Zip. Nada.

My tweet had nearly 30,000 views, yet not a single success story where the vaccines reduced COVID cases by even a lowly 50% compared to the unvaccinated like they observed in the (fraudulent) clinical trials.

How is that possible? If the product worked like in the papers, these medical practices should be easy to find and Deanna’s clinic should be impossible to find.

Want to know why there aren’t any success stories?

Because the clinical trials were rigged. See this excellent post for details (4 papers).

If the CDC was telling the truth about the COVID vaccines, it would be trivial to find medical practices where the statistics on the vaccinated vs. unvaccinated were consistent with the CDC claims.

But I can’t. And neither can anyone else I’ve asked.

The reason is simple: the trials were rigged.

But I did find a medical clinic where the COVID vaccines caused huge amounts of morbidity and nearly a 5X increase in all-cause mortality. How is that even possible if the vaccines are as safe and effective as claimed?

Do you know of any medical practices which observed numbers comparable to the claims by the CDC? If so, let me know in the PINNED comment! Thanks!

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