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The COVID-19 Vaccines DO NOT Prevent Transmission of the Disease

Judge Doughty’s Ruling Destroys Biden’s Vax Mandates


The Gateway Pundit previously reported that Louisiana U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty blocked a federal COVID-19 vaccine mandate for health care workers on Tuesday.

The ruling by Judge Doughty follows Missouri US District Judge Matthew Schelp’s ruling on Monday that blocked mandates in 10 states.

Judge Doughty pointed out all of the illogical and irrational contradictions in the mandate. “If boosters are needed six months after being “fully vaccinated,” then how good are the COVID-19 vaccines, and why is it necessary to mandate them?” says Judge Doughty in his ruling.

The complainant provided evidence based on Dr. Peter A. McCullough’s declaration, “The COVID-19 vaccines do not prevent transmission of the disease among the vaccinated or mixed vaccinated/unvaccinated populations – mandatory COVID-19 vaccines for hospitals do not increase safety for employees or hospital patients. McCullough declared that additional treatment with other drugs and supplements has resulted in an 85% reduction in hospitalizations and death of high-risk individuals presenting with COVID-19.”

Dr. McCullough revealed the current vaccines also don’t adequately cover the Delta variants.

The Gateway Pundit also published an article in which the New England Journal of Medicine explains how COVID vaccines may produce spike proteins that may lead to myocarditis and neurological concerns.

“In other words, even if you are fully vaccinated, you still may become infected with the COVID-19 virus,” Judge Doughty’s ruling said.

“Although CMS spent pages and pages attempting to explain the need for mandatory COVID-19 vaccines, when infection and hospitalizations rates are dropping, millions of people have already been infected, developing some form of natural immunity, and when people who have been fully vaccinated still become infected, mandatory vaccines as the only method of prevention make no sense,” the ruling continued.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) COVID response team published a study on medRxiv – a collaborative project jointly run by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Yale University, and BMJ, a global healthcare knowledge provider – concluded that there is no significant difference in transmission potential of vaccinated and unvaccinated persons infected with the COVID-19 “Delta variant” in federal prison during an outbreak between July to August 2021.

Read the court ruling here:

The State of Louisiana, By and Through Its AG Jeff Landry, The State of Montana, Etc, Et Al v Becerra, Etc,… by Jim Hoft on Scribd





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