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A Fully Indexed Page With Just Election Fraud Articles & Videos
A Fully Indexed Page With Just Medical/Pandemic Fraud Articles & Videos

Covid Care About-Face

The Kansas legislature has no more patience for mistreatment of patients.

Editor's Note:  The lunatics behind the COVID CON have known from the very beginning there were many safe, effective and inexpensive early treatments for coronavirus infections but deliberately suppressed and demonized them to ensure BILLIONS in ineffective, dangerous and deadly treatments like Remdesivir and the dangerous experimental mRNA injections mislabeled as vaccines.  FAUCI knew a long time ago that treatments with drugs like hydroxychloroquine was highly effective, "stopping coronavirus infections in their tracks." 


By ColleenHuberNMD

In an astonishing turnabout on COVID medical treatment in the US, Kansas senator and physician Mark Steffen MD has sent out the following letter, referencing new legislation, to Kansas healthcare providers.

In the letter, Sen. Steffen writes: 

"Passive early treatment of Covid infections is no longer acceptable or the standard of care.  The standard of care is early treatment with FDA-approved medications regardless of their labelled uses.  Delays in institution of these treatments are no longer acceptable. . . .

"Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, and fluvoxamine remain readily available and are historically well tolerated.  The hundreds of studies utilizing these medications as part of a multidrug regimen used early and at correct dosages have a clear signal of significant efficacy that can no longer be dismissed. . . .

"In consultation with the legal community, indications are that 'failure to treat' will now be considered 'wanton disregard.'  As such, any perceived statutory immunity will be rendered invalid."




Wow.  Is that sound of distant popping actually the explosion of heads of remdesivir / midazolam Rx'ing (‘bring ‘em in when the lips turn blue’) hospital doctors? 

Yes, Florida's Gov DeSantis has been urging the use of early, well-tolerated and highly effective COVID treatments for well over a year, and my book, The Defeat Of COVID, came out a year ago showing hundreds of studies regarding the safety and significant effectiveness of these interventions in COVID outcomes. But what is different now is that use of these well-tolerated interventions is now fully expected of healthcare providers in Kansas, which raises expectations of medical practice to a different level than before: a standard of care that prioritizes patients’ wellbeing.

As Kansas goes, so goes the nation?

Here is the Senate revised version of Kansas HB 2280.





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