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Video: States Ordered To Fraudulently Inflate COVID-19 Cases 15 Times Actual Rate

Editor's Note: Everyone needs to realize they have moved the goalposts from COVID deaths being the concern to COVID cases simply because the fatality rate is so low. They need to shift your awareness to "CASES" and they are inflating the numbers to scare the hell out of people once again. Even if they were real numbers, getting the virus doesn't even result in any symptoms for most people. You could have millions of people catching the virus, just like MILLIONS CATCH THE SEASONAL FLU and very, very few people have any serious illness from it. WAKE UP!


Federal Order Coincides With Massive Spike In News Cases Triggering National Panic.  Collin County is north east Dallas and encompasses Plano, McKinney and Frisco.  Here is the original video - go to 15:25.   Check your county to see if they are counting probable cases as cases.


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