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A Fully Indexed Page With Just Election Fraud Articles & Videos
A Fully Indexed Page With Just Medical/Pandemic Fraud Articles & Videos

Video: Dr. Bryan Ardis - The Pandemic of Deliberate Misdiagnosing and Deadly Treatment Protocols

Editor's Note:  I can't tell you how many articles and videos I watched and read over the last year and a half and still we have horrific revelation after revelation about what has really occurred, about how deeply evil those are behind this global pandemic hoax.  The information in this video is some of the most disturbing I've heard so far.  These people have to be STOPPED and ARRESTED!

Here we have yet another set of shocking revelations about what has REALLY been the cause of people dying . . . and it's not been COVID-19. Dr. Bryan Ardis exposes the diabolical and deadly used to manufactured the perception of a deadly viral pandemic to justify global genocide and tyranny that increases every single day. Big Pharma and all their minions knowingly misdiagnose illnesses to drive toxic drug sales - the fake pandemic being one of the evilest examples in all of human history!  Dr. Ardis also exposes a new horrific disease in children caused by the experimental jabs called Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome. 


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