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Is the FDA trustworthy?

By Erin Elmore

The original purpose of a recent article about the FDA was to quickly and cheekily lambaste them for having a pathetic Instagram account where they brag about blue checkmark status and use exclamation points to boast that the account is verified!

Yes, the Food and Drug Administration, a federal agency under the Department of Health and Human Services behaves like a teenage influencer.  Yes, our nation’s oldest comprehensive “consumer protection” agency that can trace its roots back to the creation of the Agricultural Division in the Patent Office in 1848 is busy engaging in Instagram banter and trying to persuade users of the platform to get vaccinated via the comment section.  What’s next, an FDA-approved milk crate challenge or the Applebees TikTok dance?

No. What’s next is far more sinister and deadly. Social media behaviors aside, the general credibility of the FDA should be evaluated.

According to Harvard University, FDA-prescribed drugs are the fourth leading cause of death in America. This doesn’t even include deaths and hospitalizations from overdosing, errors, or recreational drug use — those incidents would increase this total.  This article went from a cringe piece to writing a warning: the FDA is dangerous and everyone should know it.

Nearly everyone from the mainstream media to politicians to incentivized group-think doctors blindly trust the FDA. They shouldn’t.  Neither should you.  Hearing that a substance is FDA approved, should not give us a sense of security or reliability.  According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, approximately a third of the drugs that are approved and deemed safe by the FDA have major safety issues.

According to a study conducted by Yale professor Joseph Ross, of 222 new therapeutics approved by the FDA between 2001 and 2010, 32% had safety events arise a median of 4.2 years later.  So, when we hear from air-quotes health experts that the COVID-19 vaccine is completely safe, we should take pause.  Four years is a long time.

There are thousands of examples of FDA-approved substances that are harmful. Let’s start with corn syrup. Seemingly innocuous, this food ingredient, also known as high-fructose corn syrup, is FDA approved.  According to the American Association for Cancer Research, the fructose in High Fructose Corn Syrup promotes cancer growth, specifically pancreatic cancer.

You probably remember the commercials for Vioxx. They had jazzy ads with adorable 80’s Olympian Dorothy Hamill. Used to treat arthritis pain, this drug was on the market from 1999 to 2004.  Due to its increased risk for heart attack and stroke, as well as being linked to 28,000 heart attacks, the FDA removed it from the market.

Also yanked from shelves was the acne medication known as Accutane. On the market from 1982 until 2009, it was recalled by the FDA due to the increased risk of birth defects, miscarriage, and premature deaths among pregnant women, as well as suicidal ideation and inflammatory bowel disease.  Over 7,000 lawsuits have been filed against the drug’s manufacturer with three verdicts amounting to approximately $10 million each.  Shockingly, generic versions are still available.

One reason that we see increased problems with FDA drugs is the United States Congress. In 1992, they passed the Prescription Drug User Fee Act. This allows the FDA to get paid review fees from drug companies. One would think that the government organization that analyzes potentially deadly drugs should be unbiased and prevented from receiving payments that could be seen as bribes, but they are not.  The dangling carrot of money clearly works: median FDA review times have dropped from 27 months in 1993 to 10 months in 2016.

Big Pharma is happy to pay because approved drugs are extremely lucrative. Big pharma is big business.  The Harvard Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics presented evidence that about 90 percent of all new drugs approved by the FDA over the past 30 years are little or no more effective for patients than existing drugs.  Then why are new drugs produced? Well, the old ones go off-patent, meaning generics can be produced, costs go down and profits are decreased. Therefore, new drugs are made with new patents making them more expensive and more lucrative. Sick, truly sick.

If you wonder why doctors are pushing COVID vaccines, they too are lucrative.  Even MSN News, which is owned by Bill Gates, the vaccine god himself admits that vaccine “pay-for-play” exists. In an article dated June 28, 2021, they say “North Carolina is working to boost the state’s low COVID-19 vaccination rate by incentivizing doctors to provide counseling about the vaccine to the patients in their medical offices.”

Additionally, Medicare has drastically increased its reimbursement rates for hospitals, physicians, pharmacies, and others to administer the COVID-19 vaccine.

The payment is now $40 per dose. According to Healthcare Finance News, this represents an increase from approximately $28 to $40 to administer a single dose, and an increase from approximately $45 to $80 for the administration of vaccines requiring two doses.

Evaluating the era of Covid Vaccines reports from the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) indicated that, between December 14, 2020, to August 20, 2021, there have been approximately 600,000 adverse events, including 13,627 deaths, 55,821 hospitalizations, 74,368 urgent care visits, 100,966 office visits, 4,721 cases of anaphylaxis, 4,785 cases of Bells Palsy, 1,671 miscarriages, 5,930 incidents of Myocarditis/Pericarditis, 17,794 279,683 permanent disabilities, 2,831 incidents of low platelets, 14,105 life-threatening incidents, 25,921 severe allergic reactions and 7,324 cases of Shingles.

Knowing all of this, if you still have blind faith in the FDA, take a look at the FDA’s “Defect Levels Handbook.”  Here, you will find things like the FDA’s allowable amount of rodent feces in cocoa beans or cigarette butts in pepper. If this makes you think before you grab a chocolate bar or season your pizza with spicy flakes, perhaps you should also think about what you are blindly injecting into your body.

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