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Video: New Zealand Whistleblower Reveals Over 20% Who Took Pfizer Jab Died



When I was looking at the data, which is part of my job, I noticed some discrepancies with the dates of death, people getting people dying within a week of being vaccinated,' says whistleblower.

A database administrator who helped the New Zealand government catalog vaccine recipients has come forward revealing the spike in deaths associated with the Covid-19 jab campaign, which resulted in hundreds dead.

According to the statistician whistleblower, who called himself “Winston Smith,” he worked on a program logging vaccine compensation for providers and was able to pinpoint how deaths began occurring shortly after the vaccine rollout.

The IT specialist made the revelations in a recent interview with researcher Liz Gunn, where he discussed how he made the correlation between jabs administered and subsequent deaths.

“When I was looking at the data, which is part of my job, I noticed some discrepancies with the dates of death, people getting people dying within a week of being vaccinated,” the whistleblower told Gunn.

“And this is Pfizer’s batch number one. We’ve had 711 from batch number one vaccinated 152 of those died which makes a 21 percentage death rate, mortality rate,” Gunn said looking at the data, which Smith confirmed was correct.

“These are real people,” Smith added. “These are real numbers. This is government data. So the top V1 has vaccinated 246 people and 60 of them are now no longer with us.”

“That is nearly 25%,” Gunn noted.

New Zealand Data Concerning Deaths Associated With Vaccine


Winston Smith (alias), a statistician and data administrator for the Ministry of Health in New Zealand, has come forward with a wealth of government data that he believes shows the dangers of the… pic.twitter.com/FOSQyO6Hwu

Here are a few key excerpts from the interview:

I was involved with building a project, helped with implementing a vaccine payment system for our providers. It’s called a pay per dose system. So that means that every time someone gets vaccinated, they get a payment for it as a provider. And I helped build it, I implemented it. And when I was looking at the data, which is part of my job, I noticed some discrepancies with the dates of death, people getting people dying within a week of being vaccinated.

“the chances of that occurring naturally by chance is almost impossible.”

“Well, as soon as the system went live, we noticed that people were dying almost straight away after being injected. So that sort of prompted my curiosity a bit, and so I dug a little deeper. And I am a scientist by nature. I love science. It’s my all time favorite. I’ve got a master’s degree in science.”

“Because it’s a payment system and I’m the database administrator for it. I’m the only one. Because New Zealand is a small country, you can get away with one database administrator to do this. So I’m in a unique position in the world. And because New Zealand is a tier one country with really good in I.T., I was able to manage and build the system and be the only database administrator needed to look after it. In other countries like America or Britain, you’d need a whole team of people. So it would be very difficult for one person to get access to all of this information. But in New Zealand, because of its size and because it’s got really good I.T, I happen to be the one.”

Commenting on Smith’s bombshell, entrepreneur and NZ resident Kim Dotcom remarked, “This must be investigated. If this data of mass vaccine casualties is real there must be accountability.”

Smith’s alarming claims have not been disputed by the New Zealand government as of writing.

During the Covid pandemic, former New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern implemented vaccine mandates for hospitality workers and linked vaccine rates to lockdowns.

“This is a message for the rest of New Zealand: we are doing everything that we can to keep cases confined to Auckland and managing them there … to give everyone else time to be vaccinated,” Ardern said announcing a lockdown in Auckland in Oct. 2021.

“If, in the meantime, the virus moves beyond the Auckland boundary and the places it moves to have low vaccination rates, then today is an example of how we will need to respond.”

Ardern resigned earlier this year.

Watch the full interview below:


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