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Video: The CDC Has No Authority To Make Decisions For Americans


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has no authority to make decisions for Americans. This was the contention of health freedom advocate Leslie Manookian when she joined host Dr. Daniel Bobinski in the April 21 episode of "Keep the Republic" on Brighteon.TV.

"CDC is supposed to be an agency that provides guidance and recommendations, not issuing edicts and directives to 330 million people. And so if you look at the CDC vaccination schedule, it's recommended, it's up to the states to decide what they will do with respect to those," said Manookian, founder of the Health Freedom Defense Fund (HFDF).

"And what this really comes down to is constitutional authority. Health powers are reserved to the states; they're not given to the federal government. And so the CDC, as a federal health agency under the executive, doesn't have the authority to make these kinds of decisions for everybody. That said, the administrative state has gained a lot of power. Whether it's constitutional and right or not is another question."

Manookian, a former Wall Street business executive and award-winning documentary film producer, said she founded HFDF because she was very concerned about all the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) measures and the egregious violations of basic American liberties.

Watch the full April 21 episode of "Keep the Republic" below. "Keep the Republic" with Dr. Daniel Bobinski airs every Thursday at 4-5 p.m. on Brighteon.TV.



CDC's job is to do research and provide information

She pointed out that the Department of Justice (DOJ) has admitted that it wants to preserve the CDC's authority and power.

"These people who lead these federal health agencies and other bureaucracies, these bureaucrats are unelected and unaccountable. And if they can promulgate rules which then have the full force and effect of the law on every single person in America, that's a huge amount of power. And they don't want to give that up. They are basically preparing for another possible opportunity during which they might want to deploy this power. That's what this is really about," said Manookian.

Bobinski agreed, saying that the CDC only has an assumed authority and is just trying to insert itself into the lives of Americans. The best-selling author and popular speaker mentioned that a group of doctors told him that the CDC is neither a full government agency nor a regulatory or legislative body.

The CDC's job is to do research and provide information to the administration, and the administration makes decisions.

That's precisely the reason why HFDF challenged the CDC mask mandate. Manookian said the federal health agency does not have the statutory authority to issue the mandate. The health freedom advocate added that the CDC didn't follow the proper procedure and failed to justify the mask mandate.

The mask mandate was a political decision made by the Joe Biden administration and there was no scientific reason behind it. (Related: Biden wants to enact a federal a mask mandate immediately after inauguration.)

Bobinski said the CDC has already admitted that cloth masks are ineffective in preventing viral transfer, but has still maintained the travel mask mandate.

Manookian said the CDC published a meta-review in May 2020, which was a comprehensive analysis of 14 different randomized controlled trials to evaluate the efficacy of masks in preventing transmission of the influenza virus. What the CDC found was that masks have a negligible impact in preventing transmission of the virus.

Follow HealthFreedom.news to know more about the people opposing COVID-19 mandates.


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