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Video: Dr. Thomas Cowan, M.D., Lecturing on Relationship between Pandemics and New Technology

Wuhan is the first city to be fully under 5G

Dr. Thomas Cowan, M. D. says that the alleged SARS Cov2 pandemic maybe history repeating itself caused by the rollout of new techoloby like 5G microwave networks.  Cowan said pandemics are the result of our bodies being POISONED by these new techonologies and viruses are an excretion of a toxic cells, they are pieces of DNA or RNA with a few of other proteins they bolt out of our cells to mitigate the damage being done to us by these new environmental influences.


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An industry expert who was the head of UK business videophone in Newbury here in the UK. If anyone knows about CV and 5G it is this guy.  What he has to say is both frightening and disturbing but the truth of the matter.
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